Winter Part-Time and Spring Full-Time Placement

You will begin winter term in a parttime format similar to fall term, and move to full days after spring
break for the duration of spring term, at which time you are required to be at your school mirroring the
hours required of your Cooperating Teacher.

____ Review all Part-time and Full-time Placement benchmarks with your Cooperating Teacher.
Establish mutually agreeable times for planning on a regular basis.

____ Work with your Cooperating Teacher to establish introductions with parents/guardians of students
in classroom. This may need to occur more than once, depending on semester vs. trimester system
in your placement. Participate in parent conferences, if possible.

____ Submit a completed Log of Hours form for each month, within one week of the month’s end.

____ Work with your Cooperating Teacher to prepare classroom environment for students, establish
assessment and management plans.

____ Attend orientation activities, on-site seminars, and school staff meetings.

____ Talk to your Cooperating Teacher about special needs students in your classroom. Review student
files and attend IEP meetings if possible.

____ Establish collaborative relationships with your Cooperating Teacher and all colleagues at school

____ Maintain a standard of professional ethics demonstrated through words and actions.

____ Engage yourself immediately in some regular classroom routines.

____ Establish a topic and timeline with your Cooperating Teacher for your Summative edTPA.

____ Ask your Cooperating Teacher to observe you informally while you teach and provide feedback on
your teaching. Discuss the format/model for the Formal Observation Process with your
Cooperating Teacher well in advance of your first Formal Observation.

____ Collect a student roster and edTPA release forms (for every placement). Scan the class roster and
all release forms and upload them to taskstream.

____ Schedule:
□ 3 Formal Lesson Observations with your Cooperating Teacher
□ 3 Formal Lesson Observations with your University Supervisor
□ Team Evaluation
□ Student Teaching Summary Report after all other requirements met

____ Teach and complete formal writeup of your Summative edTPA.

____ The Team Evaluation and Student Teaching Summary Report must be completed by the
University Supervisor and the Cooperating Teacher at the end of the fulltime
placement, it is entered into Taskstream by the University Supervisor.

____ Complete the Evaluation of the Cooperating Teacher form and Evaluation of University
Supervisor form within one week of the conclusion of your spring fulltime

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