Part-Time Student Teaching


You will begin your parttime student teaching experience before school starts, to get an idea of
what it takes to set up your classroom. During your student teaching you will begin with some
observation and then quickly be introduced to teaching or coteaching small lessons. This
gradual release model of professional development works well to scaffold teacher candidates
growth as an emerging teacher.

Observations and Evaluation:
During the Fall (Sept. to Dec.) you will have 6 formal observations (3 from your Cooperating
Teacher (CT) and 3 from your University Supervisor (US)). The US and CT will observe the
first formal observation together, so they can calibrate their scores. Details on Formal
observations can be found on the MAT Teacher Candidate Canvas Site. The Fall placement will
end with a Team Evaluation with the TC, CT, and US. Details on the Team Evaluation can be
found on the MAT Teacher Candidate Canvas Site.

Elementary Teacher Candidates will roughly follow the schedule below, as long as it matches
the contracted start time for schools. This schedule allows teacher candidates to see math
instruction on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If your math instruction occurs later, you can flex your
time so you can see math. The goal is to be in schools 20 hours / week, attending 4 days a week.
Mondays / Wednesdays: 8 am noon Tuesdays / Thursdays: 8 am 2pm Fridays: No School

Secondary Teacher Candidates will roughly follow the schedule below, as long as it matches
the contracted start time for schools, and doesn’t have you leaving in the middle of a period. The
goal is to be in schools 20 hours / week, attending all 5 days a week. MondayFriday:
8 am noon

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