Leadership and Integrity in the IT Space


In the realm of Information Technology (IT), the roles of leadership and integrity are paramount. For an assignment, I had the unique opportunity to interview my director, an accomplished professional in the IT department at our organization. In this blog post, I’ll share insights gleaned from this conversation, exploring their perspectives on leadership, integrity, and the dynamic nature of the IT field.

Interview Insights:

Collaboration Across Departments:

I began the interview by delving into the collaborative nature of IT. My director emphasized the significance of collaboration, stating that regular engagement with other departments is crucial to understanding their technology needs and aligning strategies. This collaborative approach ensures that IT solutions contribute effectively to the organization’s overarching goals.

Qualities for Successful IT Management:

We discussed the personal qualities and abilities essential for success in IT management. According to my director, beyond technical expertise, effective communication, problem-solving, and adaptability are crucial. IT managers must be adept at translating technical jargon for non-tech colleagues and remain flexible in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

Future Trends in IT:

Anticipating the future of IT, my director highlighted the dynamic nature of the field. Skills related to cybersecurity, data analytics, and artificial intelligence are becoming increasingly important. Soft skills, such as communication and collaboration, will continue to be in high demand.

Fostering Innovation:

Discussing leadership, my director shared insights into fostering a culture of innovation within the IT team. Encouraging an open and creative environment, where team members feel empowered to share ideas, is key. Recognizing and rewarding innovative contributions, my director believes, is crucial for fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Career Advancement in IT:

In the context of career advancement, my director emphasized that opportunities often arise from taking on challenging projects, acquiring new skills, and demonstrating leadership. Actively seeking out projects aligned with career goals and investing time in continuous learning were key strategies for advancement.

Reflecting on the Interview:

Comparing my own understanding of leadership and integrity with my director’s insights, I found alignment in the importance of effective communication, collaborative leadership, and ethical decision-making. However, the interview underscored the unique challenges within the IT field, such as the need for rapid adaptation to technological advancements and the constant balance between innovation and security.

Enacting Values at OSU:

Academically, I plan to apply the principles of collaborative leadership in group projects and ensure clear communication. Personally, I commit to upholding integrity by adhering to ethical standards in my academic work and interactions. Exploring resources at OSU, such as leadership development programs and workshops on ethical decision-making, will further enhance my skills in these areas.


Conversations with industry leaders, such as my director, provide invaluable insights into the nuanced landscape of IT. As I navigate my academic and professional journey, I am inspired by the commitment to collaboration, innovation, and ethical leadership within the IT field. These principles will undoubtedly shape my approach to future challenges and opportunities in the dynamic world of Information Technology.