martica4 CS467 blog

  • Blog Post #3

    Topic: Conduct a SWOT analysis of this course. SWOT means:  Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities (to make this course better), and Threats (what are any serious issues that could affect the quality of this course). Discuss each. Hello and welcome to my third blog post. I really enjoy mental frameworks as I find they are often valuable…

  • Blog Post #2

    Question: How are you using AI in your project (or another one)? What are some pros and cons? Has it made you a better programmer? I have been using ChatGPT quite a bit since it got released and have found value in their premium membership in order to access GPT-4. Overall I find it to…

  • Blog Post #1

    Hello, my name is Carlos and this is my first blog post for CS467. I’ve never used WordPress before but have been quite impressed so far, I may just need to continue using it after this class. I figured I’d structure this blog post by quickly touching on two of the suggested topics. Current job…