Online CS Capstone Course – The Good and the Potential

Hello everyone!

As I’m nearing the end of this coursework, I’d like to share some insights about the final course in my Computer Science degree. Let’s do a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis to break down what makes this course great and where it could be better.

Strengths: This course stands out for its organization. The instructions are detailed and clear, a significant improvement over some previous courses. This clarity allows more time to work on assignments rather than spending time trying to figure out the tasks. As the Capstone name implies, the course centers around a substantial project. The weekly progress report videos effectively simulate real-world software development sprints. The approach of not providing technical assistance for project issues boosts our problem-solving skills and prepares us for a professional environment where self-reliance is crucial.

Weaknesses: Like many online courses, this one is limited in providing networking opportunities with peers. While online education offers flexibility, it doesn’t quite replicate the collaborative opportunities found in a physical classroom.

Opportunities: The course could improve with a greater emphasis on project-related assignments and less on activities like blogging and discussions.

Threats: Honestly, this course is solid, with no major issues that could affect its quality.

Overall, this is a well-designed and structured capstone course. It excels in delivering a practical project experience to prepare for the working world. It has provided a valuable learning experience in my Computer Science education.


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JavaScript in Jam Town

As I work on my capstone project, Jam Town—a platform designed to discover and unite musicians from diverse backgrounds—I’ve grown to appreciate JavaScript immensely. It’s akin to the engine of a car, powering everything within my application. While HTML lays the foundation and CSS adds the style, JavaScript is what sets it all in motion.

In Jam Town, JavaScript plays multiple roles. It allows users to create profiles, upload media files, and power the search tool that connects musicians with their desired counterparts. But why choose JavaScript? Its extensive ecosystem, filled with frameworks and libraries, offers a broad array of tools for building a customizable and intuitive interface.

Can JavaScript be enhanced further? Absolutely! A notable limitation is its single-threaded nature, which allows it to execute only one command at a time. This can lead to performance issues, especially in complex tasks like continuous DOM manipulations, potentially resulting in less responsive web pages. However, by leveraging techniques such as asynchronous programming (which helps manage time-consuming tasks without blocking the main thread) and Web Workers (which allow for actual parallel processing), some of these challenges can be mitigated.

To sum up, JavaScript is an indispensable tool for building diverse websites. For Jam Town, it’s the driving force behind connecting musicians and fostering ties within the musical world.

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My Introduction

Hello everyone,

I’m Mark, and I’m excited to begin this final Capstone course at Oregon State University (OSU) as part of my journey towards a Computer Science (CS) degree. Prior to entering this CS program, I spent my time working as a technician in hospitals before transitioning to become a medical implants consultant. While I found these positions rewarding, I longed for a career that was both highly technical and focused on problem-solving. It was during this contemplative period that my brother-in-law, a software developer, recommended computer programming and provided me with a Python book that ignited my fascination and ultimately led me to pursue a CS degree.

Reflecting on my journey, I can’t help but appreciate how far I’ve come. I still chuckle when I think back to those early days in the program, struggling to set up PuTTY and navigate the complexities of VIM while tackling my coding assignments. To add to the challenge, I was part of the last cohort that learned C++ in the introductory courses, CS161 and C162. However, a few terms later, I found myself in the role of a Teaching Assistant for CS161 and later for CS325 and CS361. It’s a testament to the power of persistence and continuous growth.

Leveraging my background in healthcare, my aspiration is to apply the knowledge and skills acquired at OSU to address the unique challenges within the biotechnology industry. Ultimately, my goal is to contribute to the development of software applications that can significantly enhance people’s health outcomes.

Thank you for taking the time to read my introduction, and I look forward to engaging with you all in this course.


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