Mark Matus

Understanding Implicit Bias and Its Impact on Selection Processes

Implicit bias is a concept that often serves as an unconscious form of prejudice that can influence our thoughts and behaviors. The Implicit Association Test (IAT) is a study that can help individuals better understand and uncover their implicit biases by assessing their automatic preferences for certain groups/concepts. I participated in an IAT that revealed a weak automatic preference for Democrats over Republicans, suggesting that I may have a subtle bias in my political perceptions. This is something that I had not previously known.

Understanding these examples of implicit biases is critical in many different aspects of life. This is important to understand for areas such as for hiring, college admissions, and even general interactions with others. Implicit bias can significantly impact the reliability and validity of these processes. Limiting implicit bias can lead to more fair and just outcomes in these specific areas of concern.

To counteract implicit bias in selection processes, it is essential to implement strategies that promote fairness and inclusivity. Unconscious bias training is an example of one effective approach that could be utilized. By raising awareness about the existence and consequences of implicit biases, individuals can actively uncover and mitigate its effects on their decision-making. This is also similar to adopting blind recruitment practices, where personal information such as gender, names, and ethnic backgrounds are concealed during the initial stages of the selection process. This can help ensure that candidates are initially evaluated based on their qualifications and skills.

In conclusion, recognizing and addressing implicit bias is critical when attempting to improve the fairness of selection processes such as college admissions and job selection. Minimizing implicit biases can create a more equitable and inclusive environment. Striving for fairness within the selection process that prioritize the merits of individuals, rather than the preconceived notions that can lead to implicit biases, can create a more equitable selection process for all.


Payne, Keith. “How to Think about ‘Implicit Bias.’” Scientific American, Scientific American, 27 Mar. 2018,

Rozalynn S. Frazier, C.P.T. “Understanding Implicit Bias-and How to Work through It.” Real Simple, Real Simple, 20 Jan. 2023,