Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Third Post – Biggest Success & Breakthrough

    IntroductionHello everyone reading this! In this blog post, I intend to share what I consider to be my most significant accomplishment in our course till now (this could definitely change within the next week or so). It’s centered around my collaborative efforts with the team on our SafeSave project while maneuvering through contrasting time zones…

  • Second Post – Favorite Technology

    IntroductionIn the fast-paced realm of web development (and software development in general), where frontend serves as the initial interface between a user and an app, selecting the appropriate technology can be crucial. For our team project, we opted for React Framework which has proven to be a very important and impactful technology (especially me since…

  • First Post – Intro

    What got you started with computers or software? Ever since I was a child, I’ve had an affinity for technology (sounds cliché, right?). As high school was winding down, I figured that IT was the most logical career path for me. I was decent at it, and it seemed like a quicker route to a…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to blogs.oregonstate.edu. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

Got any book recommendations?