Week 7

IPIP Results & Reactions

For extraversion, my test came back scoring very high on this indicating that I am “sociable, outgoing, energetic, and lively.” It also mentioned that I prefer to be around others most all of the time. I scored highest with the friendliness, gregariousness, and assertiveness domains of this trait. My score for agreeablenesscame back as average, indicating “some concern with other’s needs, but also having an unwillingness to sacrifice myself for others.” I scored highest on the cooperation domain for this trait. I came back with a high score for conscientiousness, meaning that I “set clear goals and pursue them with determination” and people know I am reliable and hardworking. I scored highest on the self-discipline domain for this trait. For neuroticism, I scored very low. This explaining that I am very calm and composed in high stress situations, and I do not react with intense emotions towards such situations. Lastly, my openness to experiencescore was fairly low, indicating that I “like to think in plain and simple terms,” and that “others describe me as down-to-earth, practical, and conservative.” 

If a potential employer were to look at my scores, they might say a strength of mine is that I am very sociable and outgoing, and also assertive when it comes to interacting with people and getting to know others or a company. Assertiveness can be a positive trait in being straightforward, getting things done in the workplace positively, and not beating around the bush. Another strength to an employer from my results could be with my conscientiousness trait and that I know how to set goals and pursue them with determination, as companies wants in their employees to accomplish overall goals. Being a reliable employee, as mentioned in my test, is also a strength that employers count on and look for in candidates to know that they are serious about a job. 

A potential weakness for myself can be that showing an average score for agreeableness could indicate that I lack higher concern for the well-being of others, and sympathy for others, so employers may see this translating negatively in group work settings with many other employees involved. Another weakness to an employer could be that my openness to experience score was low in the imagination and artistic interests domains, so this could translate in myself not being as creative of a thinker as other employees may be. Thus, I probably would not fit well within a design type of job.