Ulrichsweb.com is an authoritative knowledgebase of information about more than 300,000 serials of all types from around the world—academic and scholarly journals, peer-reviewed titles, online publications, newspapers and other resources. Bibliographic records provide details such as ISSN and title, publisher, online availability, language, subject area, abstracting & indexing coverage, searchable tables of contents, and full-text reviews.


Access is now available for the following e-journal titles:



2006 – Present



ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering

2013 – Present




2000 – Present



North American Actuarial Journal

1997 – Present



Latino Studies

2008 – Present



Scientific American




Trial access to Business Expert Press ebooks is available until March 23, 2013. This collection of 160 titles features curriculum-focused content for advanced business students. Topics covered include accounting, entrepreneurship and small business management, human resources and organizational behavior, international business, marketing, management, supply and operations management, and other core business topics.

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Published annually by the Federal Government since 1878, The Statistical Abstract of the United States is the best-known statistical reference publication in the world. When the Census Bureau announced in 2011 that due to budget constraints they would cease to produce this resource, ProQuest took on responsibility for updating and releasing it.
Both an answer book and a guide to statistical sources , Statistical Abstract is a comprehensive collection of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the United States. ProQuest Statistical Abstract of the United States 2013 online edition has some significant enhancements over the Census Bureau’s online version, including line-item access to tables, monthly updates instead of annual, and table-specific capabilities for narrowing results by source, data date, subject, and type of data breakdown. Links to a Help page and a quick start Guide are located at the top of the page.

The ASBC Online Methods of Analysis database provides access to high quality brewing methods that are reviewed by special committees within the American Society of Brewing Chemists.  Methods covered include all aspects of the brewing industry from overviews of the chemistry associated with the brewing process to flavor analysis to packaging.  The online edition provides the most up-to-date methods available; however, methods that have been revised are still archived and available for viewing.  Methods can include such features as pictures, videos, spreadsheets and calculators. Methods are available in PDF format for ease of viewing and printing.