
Meta Force Continues to Expand: Key Achievements and Future Directions

Lado Okhotnikov, the founder and the head of the Meta Force company, revealed the details of the project and shared plans for the development of the metaverse. In three years, Meta Force has united 1.5 million users, each of whom contributes to the development of the platform. During this time, 250,000 Forcecoins were mined, and Royalty bonuses worth more than 5,000,000 DAI were also paid.

Forcecoin, the native token of the Meta Force platform, stands out among other cryptocurrencies due to its unique capabilities for users. Unlike many alternative altcoins, which are created primarily to increase their supply, the coin has real value and is actively used within the ecosystem.

The token is used for various purposes within the metaverse. As Lado Okhotnikov notes, Forcecoin has its own purpose and can be used to purchase items in the marketplace or “upgrade” your account to gain access to advanced functionality. This makes it a useful and practical tool for platform participants. This is an “internal currency” that serves as a kind of digital key for accessing various ecosystem services.

Talking about the mission of Meta Force, Lado Okhotnikov explains that the company adheres to the philosophy of decentralization, which underlies the entire crypto industry. Having started their journey by creating a secure and decentralized community, the team continued to expand into the NFT space and opened a P2P exchange for cryptocurrency trading.

The next step will be the creation of a DEX – a decentralized exchange that will allow users to freely exchange tokens outside the ecosystem.

All operations on DEX are carried out through smart contracts, which ensures complete automation of the process and no need for intermediaries. This allows you to maintain full control over your assets and guarantees transparency of transactions.

Lado Okhotnikov noted that for three years the work on scaling the system has not stopped for a day. During this time, a huge amount of information was analyzed to understand how certain changes affect the degree of user engagement. This is how elements were found that stimulated the further development of the project.

The founder of Meta Force emphasized that the project differs from many others in that investors and the development team did not have early access to the coins. If someone wanted to buy Forcecoin, then he had to do the same steps as everyone else. This reflects the idea of ​​true decentralization and collective governance.

Meta Force continues to inspire millions of people with its vision of a future where assets are owned by the majority. There is still a lot of work ahead, but the team is confident in the success of their approach and is ready to challenge traditional financial instruments.

Read more in the article “What Awaits Meta Force After the Listing…”.

About Meta Force

The Meta Force metaverse is an ecosystem that unites the gaming industry, social networks and virtual reality. In the metaverse they play, communicate, form communities, and do business. It offers a wide range of possibilities at the intersection of real life and virtual reality.

The Meta Force project is designed to be easy to integrate and scale for a wide range of users. It prioritizes decentralization, which ensures reliable protection of personal data and transactions.

Based on Dan Michael’s materials

The head of Meta Force Press Center

#lado okhotnikov 





Are NFTs the Future of Art and Fashion?

The debate surrounding NFTs is rife with controversy and misinformation. On the one hand, you have those who believe NFTs are little more than tools to be used by influencers to scrape every last penny out of their audiences without providing anything of value. On the other, you have the people who believe NFTs have a place in society and will play a major role in art and fashion in the future.

So, which side is right? Should we all go to Ordinals right now and stock up on NFTs to capitalise on their inevitable rise, or are they just something to be forgotten about? Well, let’s take a look. Here’s whether or not NFTs are the future of art and fashion. 

Making Art & Fashion More Accessible

Traditionally, breaking into the art world or making a name in the fashion industry has been a daunting task, often reserved for those with connections and resources. This has just always been the case – getting into art and fashion was almost impossible for the average person.

However, NFTs are changing the game by democratising access to creativity. Artists and designers from all backgrounds now have the opportunity to showcase their work to a global audience without traditional gatekeepers. 

By minting their creations as NFTs and selling them on digital marketplaces, creators can reach collectors and enthusiasts worldwide, levelling the playing field and opening up new avenues for emerging talent.

But there’s more. With the advent of NFTs, ownership extends beyond the physical to include the digital realm, redefining how we perceive and interact with art and fashion. When you purchase an NFT, you’re not just buying a file – you’re acquiring a unique token that represents ownership of a specific digital asset. 

This shift towards digital ownership has profound implications, as it enables new forms of investment and value creation in the digital space. Collectors and enthusiasts now have the opportunity to own and trade digital creations with ease, ushering in a new era of ownership and investment.

The Saviour of an Unprofitable Trade

Another way that NFTs are helping artists and fashionistas is by giving them tools to increase the value of their creations through scarcity. By leveraging blockchain technology, creators can imbue their digital creations with scarcity and authenticity, transforming them into coveted collectibles. 

This intersection of art and technology has given rise to a new breed of digital artwork, one that challenges traditional notions of value and ownership. As a result, we’re witnessing a paradigm shift in how we perceive and engage with art, with NFTs serving as the catalyst for this evolution.

This is even more valuable since NFTs are not limited to static images or designs. they can encompass a wide range of multimedia formats, including videos, music, and interactive experiences. This versatility allows artists and designers to explore new mediums and push the boundaries of creativity, further blurring the lines between art, fashion, and technology.

NFTs could be the solution to an issue that has plagued art and fashion since the beginning of time – they are not very profitable. Apart from the lucky few who manage to get recognized for their efforts, the vast majority of artists have little hope of becoming successful through art or fashion. However, with a little help from NFTs, this may no longer be the case. 

Hurdles & Challenges

While NFTs hold promise as a transformative force in the art and fashion worlds, there are a few challenges they must first overcome to become mainstream. 

Perhaps the most notable of which is the negative reputation they have acquired thanks to the rampant misuse among celebrities and influential figures. In some instances, celebrities have leveraged their fame to sell digital assets without a genuine connection to the NFT space, leading to scepticism among audiences.

This misuse of celebrity influence has eroded trust in NFTs, casting doubt on their legitimacy as a viable medium for artistic expression and fashion innovation. To overcome this challenge, the NFT community must prioritise authenticity and integrity, ensuring that projects are driven by genuine passion and creativity rather than opportunism.

It’s going to take a long time until NFTs are seen as anything other than a gimmick by the general public, but over time, its reputation is likely going to improve. Among certain communities and groups, NFTs are already seen as a vital component to art and fashion. This sentiment may soon be shared by the general public once the dust has settled and the potential of NFTs has been realised. 


So, are NFTs the future of art and fashion? Well, that depends. NFTs certainly have a lot to offer, but if the negative perception surrounding them lingers, they may only be used on a smaller scale by certain communities and groups. On the other hand, if NFTs are able to regain their reputation, we could see them become a huge part of art and fashion.

No one quite knows for sure which way things will go, but it will be a shame if NFTs never get the recognition they deserve. 


Is the Future of Manufacturing Dependent on Smart Technologies? 

You hear it everywhere you turn: Industry 4.0, smart factories, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). It can feel like the manufacturing industry is on the verge of a technological revolution. But is it really that simple? Are smart technologies just a passing trend, or are they truly the future of manufacturing? Let’s break it down. 

Understanding the Shift: Why Smart Tech Matters 

To understand the future, we must look at the challenges facing manufacturers today. These challenges go beyond simply producing goods. 

  • Efficiency: Manufacturers are constantly pressured to produce more with less – less waste, lower costs, and faster turnaround times. 
  • Quality Control: Maintaining consistent, high-quality output is crucial in today’s competitive market. 
  • Flexibility: Consumer demand is increasingly erratic. Manufacturers need to adapt quickly to new product lines and variations. 

Smart technologies offer solutions to these challenges in ways traditional methods simply can’t match. 

How Smart Technologies are Reshaping Manufacturing 

Let’s look at some specific examples of how smart technologies are transforming the manufacturing landscape: 

1. Data Analytics and Predictive Maintenance 

Imagine knowing your machinery was about to have problems before it failed. Smart sensors in equipment can monitor performance indicators like temperature, vibration, and energy consumption. This data allows for predictive maintenance, minimizing downtime and costly repairs. Instead of reacting to breakdowns, manufacturers can proactively address potential issues, leading to significant cost savings and increased uptime. 

2. Automation and Robotics 

Robotics in manufacturing isn’t new. However, smart robots are taking automation to a new level. These robots can learn and adapt to changing environments, performing complex tasks with greater precision and efficiency. This isn’t about replacing human workers; it’s about freeing them from repetitive tasks and allowing them to focus on higher-value activities. 

3. Digital Twins and Simulation 

A digital twin is a virtual replica of a physical asset, process, or even an entire factory. This allows manufacturers to test new methods, experiment with different layouts, and optimize production – all in a risk-free virtual environment. Imagine being able to identify bottlenecks or test new equipment without affecting your actual production line. That’s the power of digital twins. 

4. Improved Supply Chain Visibility 

Smart technologies offer real-time tracking of materials and products throughout the supply chain. This leads to better inventory management, reduced waste, and improved responsiveness to disruptions. Imagine a world where you always knew the exact location of your raw materials and finished goods, allowing you to optimize delivery routes and minimize delays. 

5. Customized Production 

Consumers increasingly want personalized products. Smart technologies enable manufacturers to shift from mass production to mass customization. Think personalized clothing, custom-designed furniture, or even 3D-printed medical implants. This shift allows manufacturers to cater to individual customer needs and stay ahead of evolving market trends. 

Overcoming the Barriers to Adoption 

While the benefits of smart manufacturing are clear, some hurdles prevent widespread adoption. One major obstacle is the initial investment cost, which can be significant, especially for smaller companies.  

There’s also a lack of skilled labor equipped to manage and maintain these advanced systems. Addressing these challenges will require a multi-faceted approach, including government incentives, industry partnerships, and educational programs to develop a future-ready workforce. 

Securing the Smart Factory 

Of course, as manufacturing gets “smarter,” we also have to get smarter about security. All those connected machines and data flowing back and forth create opportunities for cybercriminals. Imagine someone hacking your systems and altering your production processes remotely. Not a pleasant thought! 

That’s why cybersecurity has to be a top priority for smart factories. It’s not just about protecting proprietary info anymore. We’re talking about securing the entire operational technology environment. Manufacturers will need solid security architectures, access controls, data encryption, you name it. And let’s not forget the human element – employee training and strict protocols are crucial for avoiding disastrous breaches. 

The good news is that cybersecurity experts and technology providers are already teaming up to get ahead of the risks. By building security into smart manufacturing from the ground up, we can keep realizing all the amazing benefits without opening ourselves up to threats. It’s all about staying proactive and treating cybersecurity as a core part of smart factory operations. 

The Real Question: Can You Afford Not to Adapt? 

While some might view smart manufacturing as a significant investment, the cost of inaction is far greater. Companies slow to adopt these technologies risk falling behind their competitors in efficiency, quality, and market responsiveness.  

Think of it this way: investing in smart technologies is like upgrading your toolbox. You’re not just getting new tools; you’re gaining the ability to work smarter, faster, and more effectively.  

Consider, for example, the precision and control offered by techniques like Induction Heat Treatment from, a process made even more efficient with smart integrations. 

Embracing the Future of Manufacturing 

The future of manufacturing is undeniably intertwined with smart technologies. It’s not just about keeping up; it’s about leveraging these tools to unlock new levels of efficiency, quality, and flexibility. The companies that embrace this transformation – investing in technology, upskilling their workforce, and adapting their strategies – will be the ones leading the way in the years to come.