Studying at OSU and forging a new path

  • The mysteries of Express.js and React Native

    I am sure you have all heard the expression that sometimes it is better to step away from a problem and come back to it later with a fresh perspective! Well, this is what I tried to do during week 6 in my CS 467 class and it worked! But let me start from the…

  • How I use AI in my projects

    Things have changed a lot over the last year with the release of Chat GPT-4 and the supposed end of today’s jobs as we know them! And while the rise of the “Skynet” hasn’t come yet, as some might have predicted, there are some great benefits from using AI, while working on a project. In…

  • Closer to the end in hindsight

    It has been a little over 3 years since I started my post-baccalaureate at OSU and as I am starting my final term in the program, I can’t hold myself from thinking my journey so far! Within the last 3 years, I have switched 2 companies, changed 3 roles, survived a pandemic (somehow I managed…

Got any book recommendations?