CS Capstone Blog
Transformers who?
Transformers Who? This last week has seen what used to be a subdued research battle between top tech companies like Google and Microsoft go public in a big way. By now everyone and their cousin have heard of ChatGPT and how it will change everything. We’ve seen launch presentations from Microsoft and Google about how…
Now Hiring – Translator/Options Trader
Language Translation = Stock Price Predictions? This last week I’ve been researching different ways to generate stock price predictions using machine learning and was a little surprised to discover an overlap with language translation. These seem like very different things. For language translation you have terms like punctuation, nouns, verbs, subordinating conjunctions (I have no…
NLP Breakthrough: Pre-Training
From July of 2023 I will start a new job as a software engineer in the natural language processing (NLP) field and could not be more excited. As part of entering this space I’ve been reviewing as much of the history and literature on the field as I can and the recent developments are absolutely…
Got any book recommendations?