Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Important Lesson
This week I want to discuss what the most important thing I have learned throughout this term is. In my opinion, the most important lesson was not one specific week of focus but a common theme throughout the course, which is to know yourself. This may seem rather trivial, however, it has come up in…
Self Reflection
1. What am I good at? I am good at connecting with people. I am highly empathetic and communicate well. Additionally I have success managing my time and completing all required work. 2. What do I value? I value honesty and integrity. I am very truthful regardless of sharing a mistake or a success. I…
IPIP Results and Reactions
This week we took the IPIP-NEO test to learn more about our individual personalities. My results were about what I expected them to be. I scored a 33 for extraversion, 59 for agreeableness, 71 for conscientious, 73 for neuroticism, and 49 for openness. I feel like this is all fairly accurate for myself. This describes…
Typical v. Maximal
This week we are comparing different types of candidates, employees, and their qualities. In this hypothetical, I am plagued with choosing between two employees. Avery is a high performing individual. She can perform very well and above average when needed, however, she overall can get bored and distracted when the pressure is off. Jamie is…
Critiquing a Recruitment Ad
Who am I? Now this question can have lots of potential answers depending on who could be asking me. My mom might receive a different answer than say a classmate would. However, in the case of a potential employer asking who you are, it is important to have your personal image, or brand, figured out.…
Job Descriptions
My last job (not my current job) was titled Production. When I first applied for the position, I had no idea what the job could entail. Honestly, I was in need of consistent work and hours so I was very eager to take on anything. When I arrived for the interview, my future employer handed…
Blog Post: Experiences with Discrimination
Upon hearing that my favorite company has been faced with this public lawsuit, my heart goes out to those affected by their behavior. This information would really change the way that I felt about the company. In learning that a company had been discriminating against individuals for any reason, I would no longer want to…
The Case for Recruitment & Selection
Job Application Experience
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