
Week 7 Blog Post

I chose to take the IPIP-MEO Narrative report test. This test looked at aspects of my personality looking at different characteristics. The first characteristic is extroversion where I tested very high on almost every category with the highest being cheerfulness. I think this is accurate because I do consider myself to be an extrovert and I strive to see the positive side in every situation. I also tested high (90) in assertiveness because I think I am good about vocalizing what I want in various situations. For the next category agreeableness I had extreme highs and lows. The test shoes I am very trusting but extremely low in modesty and overall agreeableness. I tested high in conscientiousness with high levels of self efficacy and achievement striving which I think is true because I consider myself to be a self starter. I tested low in orderliness which I agree with because I struggle with organization. Additionally I tested overall high in neuroticism which is not surprising to me considering I have ADD and have a hard time with compulsion control and resisting urges which my tests show. Finally I tested the highest (92) in liberalism and adventurism. High levels of liberalism means I have a readiness to test authority which I agree with.

From an employers perspective I think my results could reveal some strengths and weaknesses. I think some of my strengths include extroversion which makes me able to ask questions, work well in a team setting, and be able to voice my opinions. I am also very trusting of people and assume people have the best intentions which is a positive characteristic from an employers perspective because they would assume I am open to training. Another strength is my achievement-striving characteristic and self efficacy which makes me a confident employee who strives for excellence. Some potential weaknesses I have as an employee include challenging authority which would be hard for me if I felt like I had an unqualified supervisor. I also tested relatively high on the  neurotic scale with a high level of anxiety and a low level of ability to control my impulses which makes for a difficult employee. I think employers prefer employees who are more thoughtful and cautious with their actions rather than someone who jumps to conclusions. I think I could work more on my self discipline which would help with my impulse control in order to be a more desirable employee from the employer’s perspective. 

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