The Week of Quality Time with Unity
Hi reader, here it is again on Winter term 2023. Being a little bit stressful with both academically and personally.
Despite being that, I enjoyed my winter break for some “rest” that includes coming to work all the time and crash course of my self for C# and Unity for this project. That said, I still went to a trip with my friends, so that’s the rest from reality of the winter break.
Moving forward to this day, I learned couple of things regarding Unity and I had to crash course with Unity due to I never use Unity prior to this class. And it does not help that Unity is confusing both the UI and UX part. So I did what every computer science students do; Open YouTube and find “Unity Tutorial” and I found a tutorial Titled “Unity3D – Let your players Draw a Path for their character”. It does help me to understand what is going on. And once you understand that, you will start using it and this time you will have a quality time with Stack Overflow as well. And that is what I did as well, except a YouTube seems easier for me for Unity due to Unity is heavily based on visualization and it does makes more sense for me to do it that way.
While working on this project I had some problems just because it is how it should be. For reference, I am working on a part that involves drawing. Looking at the YouTube instructions, then trying to understand and copying it the code to understand how it works. And of course it does not work, that will be too easy for computer science to work on this. And this is the part that I am still figuring out how to fix it.
Lastly, this class helps me to understand an area that I never learned before. Especially with C# and Unity for this class. Since I am not focusing in Game Development and this is an interesting journey for me! Just hoping that the final products of our project will be within specifications.