Capstone: a blog about my experience at OSU.

  • My Journey in Developing an AR Storybook AP

    My journey through this capstone project has allowed me to explore a landscape of technology that has drawn both my creativity and affinity for innovation. This blog post is a self reflection of that journey including major breakthroughs, successes, and what its taught me. Biggest Success My biggest success in this project so far has…

  • Unlocking Imagination: My Introduction to AR

    My group’s capstone project is an augmented reality storybook companion app. The purpose of the app is to engage new readers in a new paradigm of reading through an interactive experience. The cornerstone technology that my team’s capstone project is built on is augmented reality (AR). It allows stories to come to life with tales…

  • Going From Sales to Tech

    Going From Sales to Tech

    It’s been about a decade since I last did a blog post, so it will be nice to exercise some muscles that have lied dormant for some time! Three years ago, I made the decision to transition away from a prominent and lucrative sales role to a potentially more fulfilling career as a software engineer.…

Got any book recommendations?