
Week 7 – IPIP Results & Reactions

For the test results, my conscientiousness is high which means that I set clear goals and will pursue them with determination. The test also said that I would be regarded as reliable and hard working. My score on extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism is average. This shows that my emotional reactivity is normal and that stress will happen however, I would be able to cope with it. As for agreeableness, it indicates that I have some concern with others’ needs. The test also explained how I enjoy time with others but also some alone time which I highly agree with. Lastly, my openness score is low which means that I am practical and conservative.

If a potential employer were to view the test results, they could know what type of employee I would be like. For my strengths, I would be highly based on the conscientiousness level since it is the highest among the rest. I would be viewed as someone that is confident on achieving a goal and will ensure that the goals will be met. I would also be viewed as someone with high self-discipline which shows that I have high commitment on my tasks. I will be viewed as hard-working as one of my strengths. Another would be based on agreeableness which could mean that I would be able to cooperate with others but will still be able to focus on my own goals. I can also be rated as friendly based on the extraversion score. The cheerfulness level is high showing that I have positive emotions. I would also think that based on my score from neuroticism, it can be considered as a strength which shows that I would be able to cope with stress. One of my weakness will be related to openness to experience. It shows that I am lacking in imagination. I also lack in interest in arts and aesthetic sensitivity.

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