Jonathan Chan’s Capstone Blog

  • Breakthrough: Image storage and retrieval

    Within my PetPals team, I have the responsibility of implementing and maintaining the backend functionality for the admin section of the app. An administrator has the ability to create, edit, and delete pet profiles and news blurbs. Our team decided that a relational database would serve best to fulfill these requirements. At the start of…

  • Learning the Kivy Framework

    In this post, I’ll share about my capstone project and then expand upon my favorite technology of the project – the Kivy Framework. For my capstone, I am working in a group of four to develop an app that borrows from dating apps. The PetPals app has the purpose of facilitating pet adoption at an…

  • Hello World!

    Hello everyone! My name is Jonathan Chan and I’d like to share about myself in this post. I’m excited to be in my last quarter at Oregon State University. I first majored in French at Pomona College and pursued a Masters in Education at Loyola Marymount University LA. My first career was in education as…

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