When discussing interviews we talk about how effective they are when determining if an individual is qualified to fill a selected position in a company. Drawing from personal experience I can think of one interview in particular that stands out among the rest. When I was 16 years old I interviewed for a sales position in my hometown. When I went in for my interview, they were scrambling to get things ready as if they weren’t prepared, I waited 20 minutes in the office for her to grab the necessary paperwork. They also asked only a few questions, and most were shallow questions without learning if I was qualified for the opportunity. If I were to have to go back to her and help her increase her effectiveness I would advise her to ask more structured and unstructured questions to get more in-depth answers from the candidate. I would also recommend she put the candidate in a real sales situation to see how they would do. I think this would help determine how the candidate might do daily. When discussing reliability in the sense of my previous job I would say several different people could come in and interview me and I would have different answers for all of them because the questions were so vague. That is why selection utility is so important, are these interviews and candidates going to cost the company more or benefit? If not have great interview questions planned, the candidate may not qualify but you wouldn’t know, so you would put them through training and development programs which cost the company even more money. This then leads me to my next topic of validity in an interview, you have to structure your questions towards what the core competencies are of the job to know if the candidate is suitable for the work environment. With all of this, including my past experiences, I believe that you can structure a perfect interview.