What makes for an effective and ineffective interview?
What Makes for an effective interview is clear communication and transparency. The interviewer should ask clear and concise questions, while the interviewee should respond with honest answers. Many times the interview ask questions that may confuse the candidate and it makes the interview stressful and hard to respond honest. Along with this the interview should be aligned with the objectives of the position and provide the candidate with information on the position and what the position will do.
An Ineffective interview is when the interviewer is unprepared and unprofessional. This is very rude and a waste of time for the candidate. This is very unproductive for all parties and should never happen. Along with this, the interviewer should not dominate the interview with information and the same with the candidate. It should be a balanced interview with both parties responding and listening. Another aspect that makes for an ineffective interview is poor communication from the interviewer. Another reason for a poor interview would be a lack of follow-up with communication from both parties. A follow-up is a sign of respect and shows that both parties are still interested in this opportunity. Every interview is different and should be unique, the interviewer should be able to ask questions that benefit their search for a candidate.
Good interviewer/bad interviewer. Metaview Blog RSS. (n.d.). https://www.metaview.ai/resources/blog/good-interviewer-bad-interviewer
Doyle, A. (2022, February 4). 10 ways to make the worst impression at an interview. The Balance. https://www.thebalancemoney.com/worst-impression-job-interview-2061357