

Hello all! Welcome to my Adventures in Computer Science blog. My name is Ronson. I live in Eugene Oregon with my wife, and have lived in the area my entire life. When I am not working or doing school work, you will typically find me fishing, playing pool with friends, or working on one of my cars. I also have a hobby of brewing my own beer and wines.

My interest in computers first started when I was a kid, probably about 10 years old, from playing video games, and figuring out how to download mods for my favorite games. From there I also got into computer hardware and started building my own computer. I was shocked at how simple a lot of the computer hardware is these days to install yourself.

Once my college journey began, I started my 2 years at Lane Community College with the original intention of going for a major in chemistry. Fairly quickly I realized that although I was passionate about it, chemistry was not what I wanted a career in. And so started my computer science journey. After my 2 years at community college I transferred to Oregon State University. I have now had 1 full year at OSU and this is the start of my second. So far I have really enjoyed learning all of the technologies and concepts presented in the various computer science classes I have taken here. I especially enjoy the lower level programming languages C/C++, partially because that is what I primarily worked with in my first 2 years of college, but also because I like the low level data and memory manipulation it requires (even if it makes some simple tasks much harder).

Well, I believe that is all for introductions. I am eagerly awaiting to find out what project I will be working on for the capstone course here at OSU, and will be posting updates on my project as the year progresses here on this blog.