Skamania Lodge, Stevenson, Washington
(Near the Wind River Experimental Forest within NEON Domain 16)
February 27 & 28, 2017
The ICWEBS Workshop aims to bring the community together to facilitate rapid communication of best practices and latest science innovation associated with integration of stable isotopes.
The workshop will be organized around the following themes:
- Water partitioning
- Carbon-water synergy
- Modeling and data synthesis
- Collaboration and data protocols
- Engagement and training
Key outcomes of the workshop will be to provide community guidance to a coordinated network, like NEON, to maximize value of data products and research infrastructure in promoting science outcomes.
Advanced measurements of isotope ratios of oxygen and hydrogen in water and carbon dioxide are poised to enable significant progress in understanding ecosystem function and climatic behavior at site, domain and continental scales. In particular, these data streams will be essential to addressing several of the Grand Challenges in Biogeochemistry and Ecohydrology. In addition, these data streams, when combined with appropriate theoretical frameworks, have the capacity to partition total ecosystem carbon and water fluxes, which has been a vexing challenge in ecosystem sciences for decades. For example, significant uncertainties exist in the partitioning of water within canopies, including the proportions of precipitation which are intercepted by the canopy, infiltrate the soil, drain from the landscape to streams and ground water, and evaporate or are transpired by plants. Similarly, carbon isotope ratios in carbon dioxide have been used successfully to partition net ecosystem exchanges into the largest fluxes in the carbon cycle budget, photosynthesis and respiration. There remain technical and theoretical challenges to utilize newly available isotopic and related data to realize the potential scientific gains. The workshop will emphasize community sharing of innovations that advance in measurement, modeling and stewardship of knowledge.
Important Dates
Early Registration begins November 18, 2016 and closes January 24, 2017
Early Registration: $195
Regular Registration: $230
Abstract submission begins November 18, 2016 and closes January 24, 2017
Registration & Abstract Submission
Please note that you will need to set up an account in order to register for this event.
Register Here
Abstracts submittals are now closed.
Student Scholarships
Several student scholarships are available to help support participation. To be considered for a scholarship, please choose scholarship when registering and answer the scholarship qualification questions. Note that you will be required to submit a 500 word justification as a part of the registration process. You will be notified of your acceptance by the end of January.
*For students traveling outside of the United States who may require more information, please contact David Noone to let him know the status of your submission and any special requirements.
Hotel Accommodations & Event Venue
A select number of rooms have been set aside for our group at Skamania Lodge, where the meeting is taking place. Reserve your room for the group rate of $125 per night plus $12 resort fee and applicable taxes, be sure to mention you are with the ICWEBS group, or if booking online use code 1XY729.
Skamania Lodge
1149 SW Skamania Lodge Way
Stevenson, WA 98648
Phone: 844-432-4748
Driving Directions
Ride Share Services
These services can be cost effective when used as shared/group transportation. If there is enough interest in ride sharing from Portland International Airport (PDX) and Skamania Lodge, there may be a service organized. Please indicate if you would be interested in a ride share on your registration form.
Astra Limousine
Lucky Limousine
Organizing Committee
Holly Barnard (U. Colorado)
Max Berkelhammer (Univ. of Illinois, Chicago)
Gabe Bowen (University of Utah)
Todd Dawson (Univ. California Berkeley)
Stephen Good (Oregon State University)
Jia Hu (Montana State University)
Chun Ta Lai (Univ. California San Diego)
David Noone (Oregon State Univ.)
Chris Still (Oregon State Univ.)
Jeffery Welker (Univ. Alaska Fairbanks)
Dave Williams (University of Wyoming)
Contact Us
Questions about the program and agenda can be directed to:
David Noone
College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
Oregon State University
Corvallis, Oregon
Phone: (541) 737-3629
Fax: (541) 737-2064
Facility and registration questions can be directed to:
OSU Conference Services
Oregon State University
200 LaSells Stewart Center
Corvallis, OR 97331
Phone: (541) 737-9300
Toll Free: (800) 678-6311
Fax: (541) 737-9315