October 13, 2016, HMSC Safety Awareness Forum Notes

InReach: MMI personnel reported successful communications with personnel at sea, by use of text messaging using DeLorme InReach units.

Great ShakeOut: This event is scheduled for Tuesday, October 18, at 10:00 am. HMSC will hold a fire drill and all personnel are encouraged to participate. The tsunami walk will be to Safe Haven Hill; traffic will be stopped briefly to allow walkers to cross over highway 101. The cache will be open for inspection, and cache committee members provided an overview of the issues they are working on.

Facilities Phone: David Applegate is now carrying the Facilities phone formerly held by Bob Miller.

Highway 20: First reports are that the new section works well, and will save time for some travellers.

Hallway Phones: These phones, which are not assigned to individuals or departments, are used by front door visitors who need entry to HMSC when the Visitor Center is closed.

Elevator Phone: This phone connects to the State Police office.

Sea Grant Symposium: This will take place on October 14, one day only. Approximately 100 educators are expected to attend.

Student Housing Numbers: Currently, there are approximately 30-40 students in Housing.

Facilities Staff: A daytime member of the staff was given high praise for her support of Student Housing.

Attending: Rick Brown, Dave Jacobson, Cinamon Moffett, Florence Sullivan, Mary Markland, Kathy Minta, Jim Lewis, David Applegate, Carol Cole, Colleen Doyle, Jody Stecher

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