July 14, 2016, HMSC Safety Awareness Forum Notes

Water Sampling: OSU is currently testing water supplies on the Corvallis campus, and should have the HMSC inspection completed in September. Other HMSC campus partners have completed testing.

Food in Labs: This topic was briefly discussed.

Safe Haven Hill Supply Cache: This month’s Soup Kitchen, hosted by COMES, successfully raised $446 toward this cache. (Our thanks to HMSC Director Bob Cowen for his generous personal match, which brings this month’s total to $892!)

MSI Building Location: President Ray is scheduled to meet with OSU’s Board of Trustees at the end of July, and will announce his decision in early August.

Quick Reference Guide for HMSC: Recently added videos on this website include NOAA’s Rip Current Survival Guide, ACA’s Paddle Board and Kayaking series, and the Rockaway Beach Sneaker Wave video. We’ve also added a section on UAVs/drones, and welcome suggestions for appropriate video links.   http://blogs.oregonstate.edu/hmscquickref/

Boatyard Parking: This area is for boat parking only, to ensure that boats/trailers may move freely into and out of this area.

Campus Construction: Parking may continue to be difficult as construction, repair, and upgrading continue.

Campus Security: The group held a general discussion about campus security and personal safety, as well as check-in and check-out procedures, and agreed that assigning a reasonable (e.g., end of semester) date as appropriate could assure timely termination for check-out items.

Personnel Orientation: The group discussed the pressing need for organized and appropriate orientation procedures for incoming interns, students and employees at HMSC. Key elements would include (a) a standardized HMSC overview, which would include personal, campus, and general lab safety, emergency contact numbers, appropriate responses to emergency situations, and use of campus facilities, and (b) a unit-based orientation led by the supervisor or PI.

Several SAF members said they are willing to lead or would like to participate in these orientation sessions. We could also put a short “quick start” orientation online, providing key information to those early or individual arrivals who might otherwise have to wait several days or more for the more formal group orientation.   Some elements of HMSC-required training could be also put online.

NOTE: Emergency contact numbers and the campus map are featured on the front and back covers of the HMSC Quick Reference Guide brochure. The website itself is mobile friendly.

Attending: Jim Lewis, Kathy Minta, Rick Brown, Bob Miller, Colleen Doyle, Cinamon Moffett, Mary Markland, Kelly Moroney, Carol Cole, Minda Stiles, Jody Stecher, Mitch Vance