Housing Parking Space Lines: Facilities will move this project forward, to be completed prior to arrival of spring semester students.
AED Units: The original unit (located in the interior hallway adjacent East/West Wings and Visitor Center) has been replaced, and will be available for AED training sessions. Facilities will acquire a second AED for the Guin Library. Once this is in place, we can proceed with the earlier suggestion to post maps showing AED locations within the buildings.
Estuary Trail: As of now, the trail has been cleared of prior storm debris and logs and looks quite good.
Newport Police Department Updates: There was a brief discussion about HMSC cooperation and coordination with local law enforcement and other agencies, as well as with the state’s fire marshall. We’ll continue this coordination, and explore any training options they may offer to this campus.
MSI Building Presentation: The January 7th update, which detailed considerations re building location, structure, and personnel safety, was discussed. Comments and suggestions covered advances in planning and preparation, as well as personal actions needed during the first five minutes, the next 25 minutes, and the next 24 hours following an earthquake/tsunami event.
Student Tsunami Walk: The first planned walk from Housing did not lead to strong turnout due to a combination of bad weather and scheduling of final exams. The next walk will be scheduled for Spring semester.
Equity & Inclusion/Emergency Response Discussions: Sea Grant reported on discussions re evacuation procedures for handicapped visitors enrolled in any of their educational programs, and the potential impact any such requirements might have on these programs.
Excess Speed in Main Parking Lot: This topic has been discussed previously, but we have not yet found a workable solution. Key issues include failure to read or honor signs, failure by faculty and other drivers to observe speed limits, and issues involved in posting “slowdown” signage in coastal weather.
Attending: Jody Stecher, David Applegate, Tracy Crews, Jim Lewis, Florence Van Tulder, Marlene Jasperson, Mary Markland, Dave Jacobson, Bob Miller, Jeff Wiseman, Greg Hutchinson, Carol Cole, Itchung Cheung, Kathy Minta