January 11, 2017, HMSC Safety Awareness Forum Notes

Seawater System: The group discussed the possible decline of water quality, which might affect the health of some of our corals and algae, and shared information about methods currently in use for monitoring water quality.

Freezer Cleanout: As currently scheduled, all unlabeled items will be removed from the East Wing walk-in freezer on February 7th.   Users are requested to properly label those items that will remain in the freezer: contact info, contents, initial storage date, and active or archived status.

Cache Program for SafeHaven Hill: ShipOps has donated a box for storage of drinking water. The City will prep sites, after which the storage boxes can be placed and filled.   The Emergency Response Plan has not moved forward as Newport is currently without an Emergency Manager; it will be possibly four months before the City fills this position. Suggestions to our offices included keeping unit VHS hand-helds on chargers and available to be grabbed on the way out, as well as encouraging personnel to grab available go-kits as they evacuate. Key supplies planned for the cache include batteries (for lighting), and water and first-aid items, for a three-day period.

Damage Assessment Training: Two members of HMSC’s facilities dept. are attending the two-day session on inspection of damaged buildings. They will report on this training next month.

Facilities Thank-You: For de-icing the HMSC campus as needed, during the past few weeks.

NOAA Updates: NOAA is currently reviewing and/or testing air and water quality in its buildings, as appropriate for a laboratory that deals with chemicals on a regular basis.

Small Boat Operations: This training, which has been highly praised, can be given at HMSC whenever we have an adequate group for sign-up.

First Aid/CPR/AED Classes: These classes will be held at HMSC in early February. Note: CPR is not covered in the Disaster Training Class and Blood-Borne Pathogens is a separate class.

Attending: Matt Hawkyard, Dave Huber, Colleen Doyle, Dave Jacobson, Mitch Vance, Rick Brown, Carol Cole, Kelly Moroney, Scott Turkle, Mary Markland, Florence Sullivan, Daniel Ottman, Cinamon Moffett, Jody Stecher


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