Cold Room Update: A handout, “Guidelines: Minimizing Potential Mold Growth”, was provided and the group discussed best practices, including proper storage (procedures and materials), appropriate maintenance and clean-up procedures and proper use of personal protection equipment. It may also be possible for Facilities to borrow an EH&S unit for cold room maintenance.
Doors: There may be issues with some doors not closing or locking properly, and there may have been instances in which after-hours researchers have left exterior doors propped open. Facilities will follow through on these issues. Exit mechanisms on freezer doors will also be regularly checked by Facilities.
Student Information: There may be an increasingly greater need to have additional and/or updated resources for students re personal (emotional/mental challenges) and campus safety issues. OSU had provided a flip chart listing information sources for some of these issues several years ago; we were told that an updated OSU version may be available soon. A suggestion was made that those who are on the MSI curriculum committtee include this topic in their committee discussions. Access to the updated information could be provided through bulletin boards, and these resources will also be listed in the Quick Reference Guide for HMSC, at
OSHA and Chemical Reminders: Lab chemical inventory lists should be kept in the PI’s main lab. Other issues that seem to regularly occur include allowing open vials to vent to the atmosphere, mislabeling or not labeling containers, failing to provide a consistent way to identify samples, and not providing a list of acronyms for chemicals in one’s lab. (If the container size is one gallon or more, the chemical name must be written out fully.) EH&S personnel brought along waste labels, which are also available on line. They also brought along recently printed lab contact signs, and signs for the outside of lab exit doors.
Food and Drink in Laboratories: The guideline has been formalized as a Safety Procedure: . If you have questions or need additional information, contact Jenette Paul at EH&S.
Hazardous Waste Pickup: This will be scheduled for twice each year, Spring and Fall. Facilities will provide a storage shed; a chemical storage area is now in the new MSI building plans.
Fieldwork Safety Planning Guide: Completed in June 2016, this recommended – but not required at this time – guide is now on the EH&S website at:
Fume Hood Inspections: Pete will work with HSMC/Jim and Brian Lilly to ensure these inspections are scheduled.
Lab Coat Update: No work on any policy change, so Facilities will contact Cintas, since Cintas vehicles have been seen in the Newport area.
Attending: Dave Jacobson, David Applegate, Jim Lewis, Kathy Minta, Mary Markland, Rick Brown, Carol Cole, Colleen Doyle, Cinamon Moffett, Itchung Cheung. Jenette Paul, Pete Schoonover