December 17, 2015, HMSC Safety Awareness Forum Notes

ODFW Representative: Mitch Vance is now the ODFW representative, replacing Steve Rumrill in rotation.

Holiday Staffing: Facility staff will be present every day during the holiday period. The Visitor Center (VC) and Aquarium husbandry staff will also be present; however, the VC will be closed on December 25.

Estuary Trail: There are several sizeable logs remaining on the trail at this time, following King Tides and winter storms.

Clery Act Reporting: OSU Clery Compliance Officers will join us at the February SAF meeting.

AED Locations: The sole OSU unit is located in the interior hallway adjacent East and West Wings and Visitor Center, and will soon be replaced by a new unit. It was suggested that we acquire a second unit for the Guin Library.

Odors, Cooler Cleanout and Replacement: The cooler in the East Wing (original equipment 1965) is no longer working. It has been cleaned out and the doors will remain open to prevent mildew. It will be replaced in the near future. Additional odors were noticed during/following recent filter backwash.

Facilities Updates: Concrete Demolition is not yet complete, and will extend into the parking lot; notices will be sent out as work progresses. The doublewide (tempo) has passed final inspection and repair for roof leak is pending; individuals may begin moving in within 2-3 weeks.

Attending: Bob Miller, Rick Brown, Colleen Newberg, Jeff Wiseman, Carol Cole, Mary Markland, Greg Hutchinson, Dave Jacobson, David Applegate

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