August 11, 2016, HMSC Safety Awareness Forum Notes

Water testing: Thirty-four sites at HMSC will be tested next week for water potability. The samples will be sent to OSU for analysis.

EPA safety coordinator: EPA’s Western Ecology Division has hired a new safety coordinator, Scott Turkle, who will be based in Corvallis and will visit the EPA site at HMSC every other week. His exact responsibilities are still being discussed.

Driving speeds: People are still driving too fast in HMSC parking lots, particularly around EPA, despite cones that construction workers have placed near the RSF building. There have been a couple of near misses with pedestrians. Visitors also drive too fast in the main parking lot, but the VC does have green alert signs they can put out.

Chemical pickup: A question was raised about when the next chemical pick up would be at HMSC. Bob Miller said he would check with Jim Lewis about the schedule. (Bob Miller has since reported that the waste pickup dates will be September 13 and 14.)

Cameras in the library: Security cameras have been installed in the Guin Library, and two signs have been posted out of courtesy to library patrons. These are not live-monitored cameras. In case of an incident, the tapes will be reviewed by limited parties who have legal access.

Loaner bicycle: We now have a bicycle at HMSC, loaned to us by OSU main campus, for student/faculty/staff use. The bicycle, lock, and helmet can be checked out at the Guin Library for 24-hour or weekend-long periods.

Lab coats: Laundering of lab coats was brought up as a possible problem at HMSC, because OSU has a dedicated laundry service and might not pay for a different service in our area.

New MSI building: The new marine studies building will be located in the corner between ODFW and the Guin Library. The entrance to the ODFW parking lot might change. Some concerns were raised about how long there will be construction vibration and noise; the schedule is unknown at this time.

Disaster cache / emergency preparation:

  • Water storage: HMSC has a 40,000-gal water storage/disinfection system. It will be moved to the Newport airport and stored by the city, out of the tsunami zone. HMSC Facilities is working out the process of filtering the water prior to its storage.
  • Supplies ordered: Supplies such as shovels and tarps have been ordered by Facilities for the disaster cache on Safe Haven Hill, and they will arrive Tuesday (August 16).
  • Access to cache during an emergency: All city employees will have a key to the disaster cache, and people in leadership roles will have the code to a lockbox onsite that contains the key. Other options that are being discussed include a remote (satellite-operated) unlocking system and/or an accelerometer, which would unlock the cache in case of significant vibration.

Attending: Mary Markland, Jody Stecher, Dave Jacobson, Cinamon Moffett, Minda Stiles, Bob Miller, David Applegate, and Rick Brown


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