Photo of the Week – Alan Thum

One of the highlights of organizing these 50th Anniversary events has been working closely with Bob Olson. Earlier this week, he wandered into my office with a photo, a thesis and a story. Lucky for me, he also put the story in writing, so I can present it to you in his own words, with photos and memorabilia he provided. Enjoy.

In other news, registration is OPEN for the All-HMSC Reunion Weekend. See the next posting for info or go to If you are new to this blog, scroll down for lots of photos and history, and information on our 50th anniversary festivities. As always, call or email me if you have questions: Maryann Bozza, HMSC Program Manager, 541-867-0234, It has been a pleasure to hear from many of you.

Photo of the Week – Alan Thum

From Bob Olson: Alan Bradley Thum was an early graduate student at HMSC and received his PhD in Zoology in 1972. Alan’s major professor was Dr. Jefferson Goner.

Photo 506

Photo #506

This photo of Alan was taken on board the R/V Yaquina in 1970 by Warren Hanson. Peter Rothlisberg was also on this cruise.

Alan died suddenly of a heart attack in 2003 after a successful career as an environmental consultant in southern California.


Photo #508

Bob added that Alan was an excellent scientist, and his PhD thesis was widely read, as evidenced by how often it was checked out from the library in the subsequent decade.


Photo # 507


If you have additional information about these photographs, please share! Click here to submit your information, or email maryann.bozza@oregonstate. edu. Please reference the photo number. You can also leave a comment, below.

Check back often for the Photo of the Week and news about HMSC’s 50th Anniversary Celebration. To add your name to the email list, email maryann.bozza@ or sign up here.


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