
Breaking Rules and Looking Forward

When I transferred to OSU I originally had the intention of staying away from computer graphics. Or much of anything that could be perceived as focused in the gaming industry. A rule I wanted to hold to myself to when I decided to go to a university for computer science(CS). I want make sure that I was interested in CS and not the concept of working on a game. I felt that I had used so much of my time in high school gaming and neglecting any sort of studies in general. So I needed to make sure I wasn’t lying to myself about being interested in CS.

I am going to break this rule.

Not due to how I have learned a great amount about the field. Or how I enjoy the process of programming and problem solving. I am breaking it because of my interest of the technology for my chosen senior capstone project. I feel that my curiosity as an engineer has taken it’s roots deep and any concern for my studies no longer exist.

The capstone project I am in is Augmented Reality(AR) for Realtime Strain Visualization mentored by Professor Mike Bailey at OSU. The moment I read it in the list of projects I had an immediate interest from the cross discipline nature of the project and the use of AR to solve a problem. I have also had a very good experience listening in on some of Professor Bailey’s lectures the previous year while waiting in-between classes.

So I am looking forward to this year. The expansion of my knowledge in CS from just AI and algorithms leave me excited to see what else I become interested in.

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