I’m supposed to know that?!

The journey of a confused Computer Science student.
  • Nearing the End

    As we’re nearing the end of the term and finalizing much of the work on our adventure game, I’ve had a lot of opportunities to solve problems and I would like to share some of the techniques that I’ve learned in this blog post.

  • Was Python the Right Choice?

    Sometimes when starting out on a software development endeavor, people ask “What language should I use?” as a common question. If one were to ask this question in a Reddit forum, for instance, there are many different answers but it always ends up with a response like “it depends.” Throughout the journey of creating a…

  • Let’s Talk About Machinery

    Have you ever been intimidated to learn how something works because in your mind you made it more complex than it needed to be? In computer science, this happens a lot and I’ve felt it happen over and over again during my journey through this program and I’m also learning how to recognize it and…

  • Stumbling into Computer Science

    Have you ever stopped to look back at where you started in your educational or career path and thought, “How did I get here and what’s next?” I know for myself as a computer science student I have often thought these questions for myself and at each step of this journey I am continually surprised…