
The Most Important Thing I Have Learned

Looking back on this class, I learned a lot about the whole process of being recruited for a job. I am entering the job market in about a week and a half and will use all of the information that I have received. One topic that I really enjoyed and took a lot from was when we looked into job descriptions. This interested me the most because I have been looking through so many descriptions and I did not know which were giving me the information that I needed. I believe this is one of the most important things that I learned because it now allows me to look closer and examine which parts of the job description are missing and which parts I will need to ask about in the interview process.

I did not realize how important it was to include aspects of what you will be doing in the job because it allows people to get a feel for the actual tasks at hand. As someone who reads job descriptions and will maybe be writing them one day, realizing this will allow me to make them much more accurate. Another aspect that I learned was important to add was the salary. This will keep the people who are qualified interested and may deter others who do not think they will get the job if the salary is that high. Whenever I look at descriptions that is something I want to see and I know how important it is for others as well. The last thing that I learned about is KSAO’s. These are job related knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics that would be considered important in the position. It is crucial that the prospect knows what will be asked of them so that they do not waste their time or yours applying for a position they would not be interested in. Job descriptions make the process of hiring more efficient and allow people the opportunity to see the job without committing to it yet. 

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