
IPIP Results and Reaction

After taking the IPIP test, my results did not surprise me. I scored high in extraversion which indicates that I am socialable and outgoing. I scored lowed on the gregariousness side because I am not a huge fan of crowds and enjoy being with people but not going out into big gatherings. I also scored high on the agreeableness domain and this was my highest one across the board. This indicates that I have a strong interest in other people’s needs and am sympathetic. Trust is something that I give people easily. The test shows that but it does not show that people can lose that trust easily as well. The next category on conscientiousness was more moderate for me. I sometimes have clear goals and pursue them but other times I can not be as reliable. The part where I ranked the lowest was on the achievement-striving which was disappointing to see. I ranked the highest in cautiousness and I recognize this because I always think things through. In the Neurtocism section, I was low in some sections and high in others. I was very high in immoderation because I act on impulse a fair amount of the time. The last section was openness to experience and I was very low in this. Everything was below 30 besides emotionality which was very high.

After considering all of these factors, I think that a potential employer may see my strengths stemming from emotionality. and my ability to see other peoples feelings as well. Along with this, I have high moral standards and feel that trust and respect is very important. These would all lead to a good employee because it is important to keep moral standards high and for trust to be important as well. Being sympathetic is also important because you need to be aware of your coworkers and team and make sure that you can work through things. I think that the biggest weakness that they would see from this test is my achievement-oriented side They are most likely looking for an employee who is a high achiever. Along with this, I tested low in openness to experience which showed that I may not always be the most adaptive in new situations. This could be seen as a weakness since you need to be flexible in work environments and they might think that I would be an issue.

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