What Digital Marketers Should Do To Better Manage Their Online Brand

You always need to know where is ok to go and where is not. The resource from the internet can help a lot. Stay active is important to create impressions. Know what you need and want is the place everything starts.

Know the law

           In recent days, regulations and laws related to digital content are quite complete. The first thing you as digital marketer wants to be aware of is making sure your digital content is always legal. If you come up with some genius marketing content that violates the regulation, it will never lead to a better impression of your company.

           If you are following the news, you will find out the law are keep updating, to making sure people’s benefit is been protected. Be alert with the change and always come back and check once you are uncertain about something.

Use the tool

           There are many free or paid tool can help you manage the online branding content, from sending you related news like Google alert, to brand content evaluation tool like Brandyourself. Both of them can offer a convenient working experience. Moz.com offers a keyword explorer service that gives suggestions to current branding strategies.

           Use the tools well can largely improve digital marketing performance and improve the positive impression. By paying close attention to any related online content, a marketer can know the newest impression people have about our brand, we can actively offer positive reinforcement to encourage more people to share positive information about our brand. If the information is negative, it is important to see if it’s just rumor or hate comments, if so, seeking for a website manager to remove the content and create clarification is the best thing we can do. If the negative information is real, then, figure out how to take the responsibility should be the first priority. Do not try to lie or make the situation vanish! At the age of the internet, you cannot hide anything.

Stay active

Keep push out new content is essential for your brand. Stay active on the internet, so people who are interested in your brand can always find the latest information about you. For some loyal followers, they would love to have more opportunities to interact with you as well. And for fellow partners, they would also love to see you stay active and keep providing informative posts.

People’s taste in things changes fast. This year, they believe a professional website should contain a lot of text, next year, they want to see images. You never know how did you lost new viewers, they might find the online material is inconsistent with real store product, or they just find the website design looks suspension. Always make updates to your online content and design can improve the trust between you and your brand lovers.

Aware of the needs

Are 3 employees enough to handle the tasks? What about 5? Are Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter enough to cover all potential customers? Do we want to add Pinterest and Reddit? Figure out what you need to be able to produce good online marketing material is a tough job.

To be able to figure out what you need, first of all, you need to know what you want. Do you just want to push out blogs? Do you want to let people know by having some social media platform? And do you want to also take on the most efficient online marketing methods – emailing campaign? After you make all the decisions, now it’s time to figure out the positions in the marketing team. And in the end, after we figured out all the detail, now it’s time to see if we can remove some campaigns or combine some works.


Steinmetz, K. 2018 “How Your Brain Tricks You Into Believing Fake News

Selyukh, A. “Section 230: A Key Legal Shield For Facebook, Google Is About To Change

Brandyourself.com “Improve your online reputation. Protect your online privacy.”

Stucker, D. 2019 “Digital Marketing is the Foundation of Your Brand

Email marketing – Don’t tell me you didn’t try these yet!

Have a sizable email list already? Already sent out some information but the outcome is not ideal? Here are some ways you HAVE TO check out before giving up:

Stick with it:

Email marketing is still the most efficient marketing method amongst all other fancy methods. 85% of the adult on the internet uses email, and you should not miss it. The email is easy to get, and once you send out the information, it stays with your targeted customer and if you did it right, your customer will find that helpful and payback to you.

There are many ways you can get customer’s email addresses, but you want to make sure the methods are legal and polite – there are laws that you don’t want to break. Make sure your customer knows what they signed up for – a short appreciation notification can be helpful and start from there, you are on the right track to building a relationship with your customer.

Offer great content:

Give customers what they want is the only purpose of your email campaign and is the best result you can get. Before you send out the email, you need to be sure you are sending the right information in good form.

Your company email looks professional enough. After you put the foot in the door, an attractive subject line can make sure your email stands out among all others. Keep the subject line short – you don’t have to put the whole article or product link in the subject line. Numbers can easily attract attention, so does special signs like a question mark or even emojis.

Target your customers

While you are sending an email campaign to 100 email addresses, you are having communication with 100 different people, but yet, some of them have common needs or interests with others. Segment your customers according to their needs and interests and send the specific information can increase the possibility they will open your email and do more.

When the customer received information that fit exactly what they want, they are more likely to expect more information and more likely to check out the product in the email. And you are more likely to become a trustworthy information provider to them.

Check the analytics

Open rate, CTR, unsubscribe rate, any of these sounds familiar to you? If you’ve seen these showed up somewhere, congrats! You are on the way to be an email campaign expert!

The open rate is the number of people who opened the email you sent to them. It also shows your relationship with the reader. If the open rate is low, means you need to provide more valuable information and manage their expectation. Click-through rate, in shorten as CTR, is the number of people click on the link you provided in the email. This number shows how efficient you are targeting. At last, no matter how much you don’t want to face this, the unsubscribe rate is the number of readers who chose to drop out of your email list. You may offer them a quick survey to see what caused that, but once the unsubscribe rate went too high, you got some serious work to do.

If you were your customer…

If you are about to subscribe to a company’s newsletter, what are you looking for getting from them? Specific series updates? Discounted product list? Or any news? Your preference of information is based on your life experience, so does your customer!

Create a persona is very helpful to get insights from customers and create a better email campaign. 3 to 5 personas are a good number to cover all potential customers. A persona should include name, job title, and company, a series of demographic information and some values. What are they care about the most? What are the problems they are facing, and you can help them out? What is something they just don’t care about?

A complete persona can tell you a lot and you should not create this alone – communicate with salesperson and customer service department, they get a higher chance to interact with typical customers and likely have better insights.

It’s never too late to add new ideas to your email campaign, come back check your campaign and good luck to your development!



Hangen, N. 2019 “A Beginner’s Guide to Successful Email Marketing” NeilPatel.com

Henneke, 2013 “37 Tips for Writing Emails that Get Opened, Read, and Clicked” Copyblogger.com

Jimenez, K. A. 2019 “7 TOP Email Marketing Tips For 2019”, Kimberlyannjimenez.com

Kim, L. 2019 “5 Cold Email Marketing Tips to Get More Opens” Inc.com

Kim, L. 2019 “The new way of email marketing” Stukent.com

Lee, K. 2018 “The Complete, Actionable Guide to Marketing Personas” Buffer.com

Marrs, M. 2019 “The 9 Best Email Subject Line Styles to Increase Your Open Rates” WordStream.com

Marrs, M. 2019 “Perfect Timing: The Very Best Time to Send Email Newsletters” WordStream.com

MRKT 484 Hallie on company strategy- integrating email marketing with event promotion

MRKT 484 Ashley on Personas

Be advanced in marketing is to be ethical

The current model of online advertising dangerous level is on scale 5. The customer’s private information is completely exposed to everyone who paid to see it. Without permission, without notification and without respect.

It makes things easier.

You might put ads on Facebook and Google. Aren’t they make things so much more convenient? You know your product will directly be pushed to the user whoever searched similar information. But do you know how they get that conclusion? Custom audiences allow advertisers to target users on the site by uploading e-mails, phone numbers, and other information and cross-referencing it against Facebook user profiles. The permissions tool Facebook is developing will require an advertiser, along with the agencies or other organizations that obtain the information, to confirm that the third-party data in a custom audience has been responsibly sourced.

It saved your work and time.

Yes, as a third party, you rely on the social media platform to reach out to the use of you. Are they telling the truth in their report? The accuracy of its ad reporting, however, has recently been questioned. Facebook has admitted to measurement issues, including miscalculations of average watch time of videos, the organic reach of posts, video ad completion rate, average time spent on instant articles and referral traffic from Facebook to websites and mobile apps.

It is not Ok.

Social media user is dropping out and they are not happy with the whole thing happening here. A Reuters/Ipsos survey of 2,194 American adults following the Cambridge Analytica news found about half of Facebook users said they did not recently change the amount that they used the site, and another quarter reported they were using it more. Only the remaining quarter said that they were using it less, had stopped using it or deleted their account entirely.

There are ways to check.

You don’t want people to access your personal or industrial information, neither do your customers! It is scary to see things you were talking about show up on your website. Create a persona, make it personal but not offensive. Layered targeting can add location and online behavior, among other things. It could determine that Weide was only temporarily in New York and spends most of his time in California. Additional data could avoid wasting an ad buy to follow Weide for a New York event when he’s returned to California.

Don’t make the fear becomes your baseline.

“At this point, the real check [would be] the availability of competitive platforms that behave better,” she says. “There certainly is a market opportunity for a social media platform to build a user base on the strength of respect for privacy, though so far none of those efforts have really taken off. I do believe it’s just a matter of time before that happens. The fear of that alternative may motivate Facebook and others to make some real changes.”

Call for action. Be an ethical leader in your own industry.

You don’t have to follow anyone’s path. Understand how big data works on the back screen and make a difference. Be the especially ethical one and teach the user to protect their information. Right now, Chris Olson says, retailers don’t understand that every time an outside ad is delivered to a customer on their site, there are dozens of ad tech vendors that are dropping cookies or other code on that visitor’s computer, or who will get access to that data. So that retargeted ads from the retailer deliver info to dozens of others in the ad ecosystem.

See what another ethical industry is doing.

This crisis is not limited to the U.S. The U.K.’s Marketing Week identifies the reduction in trust in social media information as a “worrying trend” that is due, in part, to the behavior of marketers. According to this source, the loss of faith in online brand information is due to consumers’ increasing awareness of marketers’ tactics to reach them.


Federal trade commission, 2018 “Perspectives on Ethics and Common Principles in Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, and Predictive Analytics

Rich, P. 2019 “Hearings on Competition and Consumer Protection in 21st Century: Consumer Privacy” Federal trade commission

Steimer, S. 2018, “The Murky Ethics of Data Gathering in a Post-Cambridge Analytica World” American Marketing Association.

Taylor, K. 2018, “The end of privacy” Philosophy Talk.

Samuel, A. 2018 “The shady data-gathering tactics used by Cambridge Analytica were an open secret to online marketers. I know, because I was one” The Verge.

Potter, W. & Soghoian, C. 2017 “How to protect your online privacy” TEDEd

Boote, T. 2017 “What Have Ethics Got to do with Digital Marketing?” Digital Marketing Magazine

Crosby, L. A. & Vidmar, J. P. 2018 “Can Marketers Repair Social Media’s Crisis of Trust?” Medium

Levine, B. 2017 “Is retargeting dying?” Martech Today

Horowitz, D. 2011 “We need a ‘moral operating system’” TED

Tufekci, Z. 2017 “We’re building a dystopia just to make people click on ads” TED

What To Do When Your Webpage Doesn’t Rank

Struggling to improve your webpage rank? Let me help! Here are 5 easy strategies make people like your webpage more than others’.

Step 1: Make your webpage visible in the ocean of information.

There are so many words that can be used to describe the same thing or situation, and you want to make sure your webpage includes all the possible keywords in it. When searcher uses alternative keywords, it is your chance and responsibility to offer them information that others missed. Title tags and meta descriptions can be decided if the browsers like Google or Bing believe your content is related to what searchers want and provide your link to them.

Step 2: Make your webpage looks outstanding.

Refreshing webpage color and content layout can make searchers happy to stay on your page for a longer time. Choose color wisely, there are many formats you can find. Use lesser than 3 colors on your page, so webpage viewer can focus on context and enjoy reading. Nice font and appropriate size can offer great reading experience, so they might be willing to check other pages.

Step 3: Make your content simple and accurate.

Webpage viewers are looking for answers. It is not beneficial to put a large chunk of introduction before getting into the main content. If searchers couldn’t find what they want in the first couple of sentences, they will leave. Answer the question in the first sentence, make sure it’s easy to understand, and then, you can use professional terms later with explanation, to offer a sense of “improving knowledge.”

Step 4: Make your content credible.

Wikipedia has a lot of information, but would you take that as a reference for your business? It’s the same theory for your own webpage content. Find an authoritative person to create the content can improve the expose chance. Browsers and viewers are both more likely to take your webpage as a reliable source and show your page to others. The information creator also has some impact on their field, increase the exposure of their own article and other webpages on your website.  

Step 5: Make your webpage display fast and secure.

Are you willing to wait for more than 30 seconds to see a webpage loading? Not so much, it’s the same for searchers, they might need this information in urgent or just lack of patience. A fast-displayed page can give them a good impression, and more likely to come back for more information.  Web security has always been a hot topic in the field. No one wants to get the virus after visit any website, and if unfortunately, they did, they will separate the news and cause the dramatical decline of your ranking.

There are 5 big points you don’t want to miss while working on improving your webpage ranking, there are more tips you can find out by your own experience and on other sites.


Fishkin, R. 2017, “How to rank: the SEO checklist” https://moz.com/blog/rank-in-2018-seo-checklist

Collarde, J. “Glossary & FAQ Pages Help Support Three B2B Companies’ Organic Traffic, Rankings, and Conversions Growth” https://www.obilityb2b.com/blog/our-work/case-studies/glossary-faq-pages-help-support-two-b2b-companies-organic-traffic-rankings-conversions-growth/


Crestodina, A. 2018, “How to find all your branded keywords in seconds (plus 9 ways to Optimize for them)” https://www.orbitmedia.com/blog/branded-keywords-seo/

Crowe, J. 2018, “Top 7 Ranking Signals: What REALLY Matters in 2019?” https://www.searchenginejournal.com/seo-guide/ranking-signals/

5 Ways to Increase Landing Page Conversions

Make your landing page better!

A landing page is the first page a customer would see once they click on a search engine advertisement. To be sure customer stays and spends money on our page, here are five simple steps website developer can process, to reach a higher conversion rate.

  1. Set a goal. To be able to reach your goal, you got to know what result you want to reach. Isn’t that simple? You need to know where your destiny is to be able to get there. NBALPWACG is the shortening of “Never Build A Landing Page Without A Campaign Goal.” Have a Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time consuming (SMART) goal, which is essential for creating a functional landing page. A goal is easy to set, have a certain amount of purchase for certain products in a certain amount of time. After the goal is being set, an attractive webpage can increase the likelihood to reach your goal, and to make a webpage attractive, you can take a look at the next step.
  2. Make it simple. A simple landing page can effectively attract customer’s attention on one important element that this page is offering. High attention ratio gives customers more choices, there are more buttons they can click on, more description they need to read and more things in their eyes. It’s nothing harmful to offer a lot of information, but it also distracts the customer’s attention. Keep a few colors on the page can effectively save customers’ attention on the product, instead of mass colorful images or keywords. You can read the next step to make sure the key point of your page is clearly emphasized.
  3. Make it clear. Are you offering a discount? Promoting a new product? Or attracting customers for a new store? Your customer wants to know what to expect from your webpage. There are several ways to making sure the message is clearly expressed – have an informative headline, which tells what this page is about. Place the headline in the obvious place that can be seen at first glance. Have a straight layout of all the information on your webpage to save customer’s time while scanning the page. With clear information expressed, you need to check the next step to make sure everything on your webpage is focusing on your goal.
  4. Keep it focused. A good headline can give the customer a quick idea of what is webpage is about. Once the information in the headline matches what they need, they will either react to it immediately, or they may need more information just to have a better idea. A subhead is needed to give more detailed information or assisted by some bullet points. Then there must be a place to receive the customer’s reaction. It can be an image, a link or an icon, anything possible to allow the customer to click on. It is absolutely beneficial to have a customer willing to interact with your webpage, but how do you show that you are trustworthy?
  5. Gain trust. It is important to have a customer’s trust, and it is on you to show that you deserve their trust. Before building trust, don’t lie to the customer about something you can not offer. Sometimes, you see Costco give samples for customers to taste, you can do too! Offer your products to experts or influential customers, let them try out and evaluate your products. If you received positive feedback, congrats, you are earning your product credits. Sometimes, it is important to express your concept about your product, trigger some empathy from your customer. And making sure to get words out there about your webpage and your product, make people know about your product.

Looks easy? Looks hard? It’s all up to you! Get started and create some nice landing pages!


Gardner, O. https://www.stukent.com/expert-sessions/the-7-principles-of-conversion-centered-design/