If I’m an owner of the shoes business, I’d like to hire Jaime. In my opinion, consistency is a very important quality to be a good employee. It’s true Avery can show high-performance, but when? Avery’s inconsistency or the random high performance can not build the trust between me and him. Jaime, on the other hand, can gain the trust from the employer. If the grade is from 1-10 of the job, the ceiling of Jamie might be 7 or 8, Avery can be 9 or 10. But I believe the Jamie’s average is higher than Avery’s. Any in most work situation, the employers is OK with 7/8 grade work, 9/10 grade involves more with employee’s forward thinking. However, people like Jaime may be hard to get the promotion.
I think Avery is better at the work which involved with creativity or design. For example, the product or a fashion designer. Where the consistency is not that important; but the random inspiration or creativity is much more important. Once Avery gets the idea, the work process is about 80%. For the daily work, it doesn’t require him to be consistent. In work position like designer, the potential is much more important than consistency.
In my opinion, Jaime is a potential good engineer or programmer. This job doesn’t need much creativity or high potential, but the good and consistency coding is more important. In this job, Jaime needs to follow supervisor’s coding guide and mission, and give the good feedback. The consistency is very important in this situation.