2016 Presentations

State of the State and Forest Health Conference
The presentations from the 2016 Forest Health in Oregon: State of the State are below. Video recordings of the presentations are coming soon. See you in 2018!!

Tuesday, February 16th – State of the State
Updates on Current Conditions Across the Region
Welcome Address
Dave Shaw, Oregon State University
Bark Beetle Trends
Christine Buhl, Oregon Department of Forestry
Defoliator Conditions in Oregon and Washington
Glenn Kohler, Washington Department of Natural Resources
Invasive Phytophthoras
Everett Hansen, Oregon State University
Overview of Forest Disease Conditions in Oregon
Alan Kanaskie, Oregon Department of Forestry
Vertebrate Damage and Impacts
Jimmy Taylor, National Wildlife Research Center
Update on Climate and Drought Conditions
Kathie Dello, Oregon Climate Service
Impacts of Climate, Storms, and Drought on Trees and Forests
Danny Norlander, Oregon Department of Forestry
Recent Fires and Trends in Oregon
Teresa Alcock,  Oregon Department of Forestry
Dwarf Mistletoe and Root Rots in Oregon
David Shaw, Oregon State University
Invasive Species Threats to Oregon’s Forests
Wyatt Williams,  Oregon Department of Forestry
Insects and Pathogens in High Elevation Conifers
Kristen Chadwick, US Forest Service
Video Message from Senator Merkley


Wednesday, February 17th – Forest Health Conference
Managing Forest Health
Keynote Speaker: Ecology and New Science of Bark Beetles
Rich Hofstetter, Northern Arizona University
Overview of Forest Disease Management
Greg Filip, US Forest Service
Forest Phytophthoras: The battle continues …
Ellen Goheen, US Forest Service
Post-fire Tree Mortality and Management
Bill Schaupp , US Forest Service
Defoliator Management in Oregon and Washington
Robbie Flowers, US Forest Service
Managing Forests for Fire Resilience
Bill Aney, US  Forest Service
Ecosystem Services in Managed Forests
Kim Hall, Oregon State University
Management Implications of Disturbance and Forest Hydrology
Kevin Bladon, Oregon State University
Why We Should and How We Could Manage for Resilience
Connie Harrington, US Forest Service
Panel Discussion: Barriers to Managing for Forest Health
Moderator: Mike Cloughsey
Academic: Rich Hofstetter, Northern Arizona University
Industry: Paul Harlan, Collins Pine Federal: Bill Gamble, USFS, District Ranger
State: Liz Dent, ODF
Private Landowner: Marty Main, Jackson County, OR