[aesop_image imgwidth=”100%” img=”http://blogs.oregonstate.edu/foodresilience/files/2018/05/Hoohaa002TW-copy-e1528475190588.jpg” align=”center” lightbox=”off” caption=”Attendees of the 2009 Earth Day Hoo Haa transplant onions at Oregon State University’s student-run organic farm.” captionposition=”left” revealfx=”off” overlay_revealfx=”off”]

Portland Art Museum, Fields Sunken Ballroom
2:40-3:30Keynote: David G. Lewis
Native Food Systems
3:30-4:20Keynote: Shorlette Ammons
Dynamic Role of Land Grant Universities
4:20-4:30Stephanie Grutzmacher
An example of Oregon State's work and community partnerships
Lauren Gwin, moderator
Walk to Oregon Historical Society
Oregon Historical Society Outdoor Plaza and Indoor Pavilion
5:30-6:30Reception, conversation, view the OSU150 historical exhibit