Explore the World, Discover Yourself, Study Abroad!

Do you want to see the world AND receive academic credit for it?  There are many different opportunities to study abroad, both through the Office of Global Opportunities at Oregon State University as well as right here in the College of Forestry!

Discover some of the exciting internship opportunities available to you! International internships allow students to pursue professional experience on a global level while receiving academic credit.
There are internship opportunities available:

    • Year-round on nearly all continents
    • In all forestry-related majors
    • With all types of professional organizations

Financial aid/scholarships are also available to support your time abroad.  To find out more, attend the Global Summer Internships information session on Wednesday, February 24, 2016 from 4-5 pm in Peavy 272. 

If you can’t make this information session, but are interested in how to make YOUR global dreams a reality, set up a meeting with Michele Justice by emailing michele.justice@oregonstate.edu or stop by her office in Peavy 140!

The Puzzle of Motivation

College can be extremely difficult at times.  As college students, we may often find ourselves questioning why we are paying going to school, rather than making money by working right out of high school.  We sometimes become jealous of that cousin at Thanksgiving that is just watching Netflix while we are frantically studying for an exam the following week.  The every day difficulties of college life can sometimes drag us down to the point we ask ourselves, “What made me want to go to school?”  To answer that question, we have to understand what motivates us.

Motivation is different for everyone and people react differently to various incentives.  Because motivation can be so hard to define, sometimes it is even harder to find when we are going through difficult times. However, it is our internal motivation that drives us to be successful; it makes us get up every morning to go to class, study weeks in advance to ace our finals, and is the main reason we are in college in the first place.  Keeping that in mind, it is vital as college students that we don’t lose motivation and we strive to keep pushing forward to accomplish our goals.

Since it is midterm season, watch this Ted Talk on “The Puzzle of Motivation” to hopefully find a bit more of the motivation you need to score well on your exams.

Happy studying!

Get Hired! Career Expo 2016

Happy week 5 College of Forestry!

The winter Career Expo is quickly approaching!  The Career Expo is a week long series of events designed to help students develop their professional skills and two career fairs where students have a chance to interact with hundreds of employers looking to hire OSU students!  The Career Development Center is putting on the following events to help students prepare and get hired!


Download the Oregon State Career Fair Plus app in your app store (Click here for iTunes. Click here for Google Play).  The app has the up-to-date list of events and a list of participating employers for each day of the expo. It can also help you plan your career expo strategy for which employers you want to talk to, and how to budget your time to make sure you can chat with your top employers. And, it’s free!!!

The entire OSU community is invited to attend the 2016 Winter Career Expo! See you there!

Career Expo

2016 Food Drive: YOU Can Fight Hunger

Each February, Oregon State University comes together to raise money for the Linn-Benton Food Share and the College of Forestry participates and contributes competitively in a variety of ways.

The College of Forestry has raised the most money and won the “Top Banana” award for 15 consecutive years, raising a total of $14,902.89 last year for the Linn-Benton Food Share.  That money is equivalent to 59,612 pounds of food that was used to feed those in need in our community.

We will again be hosting events to raise funds for the Linn-Benton Food Share this February!

Here is how you can get involved this year!

  • Purchase raffle tickets to win the handmade quilt
  • Provide baked goods for the Bake Sale and items for the Valentine’s Day Auction
  • Make and/or serve soups at the Soup Lunches
  • Donate books, CDs, DVDs, and other items for the book sale
  • Purchase items at all of the events!

Another way you can make a difference is by volunteering at the Linn-Benton Food Share with the College of Forestry on Saturday, February 20th from 10:00-12:00 pm. This is a repacking event, which means we will be repackaging 50 pound bags of rice, beans, and oats into 1 pound bags to be distributed across the community. Partners and children are welcome to participate. If you are interested, please RSVP to Jessica Fitzmorris by February 15 at Jessica.fitzmorris@oregonstate.edu or call 737-3161. The Linn Benton Food Share is located at 33747 Looney Lane, Tangent.

Let’s win the “Top Banana” prize again this year and make a difference in our community!

blog 1


Have you tried Academic Coaching?

Academic coaching is a free resource on campus designed to help you achieve your goals. Academic coaches can help you identify and implement personal solutions to challenging issues or areas of performance. The goal of coaching is to help you reach your full potential and achieve optimal performance. Coaching is for students of all GPAs, majors, and interests. Schedule an appointment today!

Trained Academic Coaches can help you:

  • Create a time management system that works for you
  • Identify ways to motivate yourself
  • Create a plan for studying for upcoming exams
  • Identify study strategies that are more efficient
  • Set goals and create structure for meeting those goals

Appointments are available now! and can be made by:
1) Calling the office (541) 737-2272, or;
2) Stopping by the Academic Success Center, located in 102 Waldo Hall.

For more information, visit http://success.oregonstate.edu/academic-coaching

Academic Coaching

Federal Job Series

Have you ever thought about working for the federal government?  There are many advantages to working a federal job, including many jobs to choose from, but the application process can be daunting at times.  The College of Agricultural Sciences and the Career Development Center have partnered to host a Federal Job Series.  These workshops were designed especially for students in the Colleges of Forestry, Agricultural Sciences, and Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences.  Mark these dates on your calendar to get tips on how to apply and land a federal career!

  • How to Apply for a Federal Job/Internship– January 20th 2:00-3:00 pm in Kidder 202
  • The Federal Job: Employer Panel-February 12th 2:00-3:00 pm in the MU Multipurpose Room
  • Federal Job Networking Event-February 12th 3:00-4:00 pm in the MU Multipurpose Room

If you have any questions about how to prepare for these events, please contact the Career Development Center at 541-737-4085 or email them at career@oregonstate.edu.

As always, keep checking the College of Forestry Student Employment Opportunities page to stay updated on all of the job and internship openings available for College of Forestry students!

Federal Job Series

Welcome Back!

Welcome back from Winter Break!

We hope that everyone had an enjoyable and relaxing holiday season and that everyone is geared up for a successful winter term!  Since the start of a new term can be a bit overwhelming, here are some important dates that you should be aware of!

University Deadlines

January 10: Last day to add/drop classes online without department permission

January 15: Deadline to apply for winter term graduation

January 17: Last day to add/drop classes online with department permission

January 18: No classes in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day- Student Services Office Closed

Professional Development Events

CDC Drop-In in the SLC: January 13 & 20 at 9:00-11:00 am.  Drop-in to update your resume, write your cover letter, or get interview tips!

Test Prep/Anxiety Workshop: January 19 at 12:00 pm in Richardson 107

Stress Management Workshop: January 26 12:00 pm Richardson 108

Employer Info Nights

Stimson Lumber: January 12 at 4:00 pm in Peavy 276.  Pizza provided!  Interviews will be conducted on January 19-20.

AKS Engineering: January 14 at 4:00 pm in Peavy 252.  Pizza provided!

Lone Rock Timber: January 21 at 12:00 in Peavy 276.  Food and drink provided! Interviews will be conducted on January 22.

If you have any questions about any of the things coming up here in the College of Forestry, please do not hesitate to contact the Student Services Office at 541-737-1594 or at forestrystudentservices@oregonstate.edu to get more information.  We are here for you!

Happy Week 1!

2016-2017 College of Forestry Scholarship Application Now Open!

Finals week is over! That means it is time for a break from the responsibilities of school.  While some people may be working during this winter break, or working on packing as many Netflix episodes into one day as possible, everyone should find time to fill out the 2016-2017 College of Forestry Scholarship Application.

To be eligible to receive a CoF scholarship award ALL students must:

  • Maintain full-time enrollment (at least 12 credits) during Fall, Winter, and Spring terms.
  • The College of Forestry must be on record as your primary college (for students who have double majors).
  • Make reasonable and continued progress toward your College of Forestry degree program while receiving a scholarship.
  • If dual enrolled in the Degree Partnership Program, at least 6 of the minimum 12 required per term credits must be at OSU.  You also must provide the CoF proof of your community college registration.
  • Maintain high academic standards (generally considered to be at least a 3.0 OSU Accumulative GPA for continuing students; minimum GPA expectations are similar for first-year students and transfer students).

If you have questions regarding the process or your eligibility, please direct them to (541) 737-1594 or email Kira Hughes at kira.hughes@oregonstate.edu.

Scholarship applications are due on February 15, 2016! So, get it done over winter break when you aren’t worried about classes!

Have a wonderful and safe holiday season and we will see you next term!

How do you best receive information?

Happy Week 10!
As fall term begins to wind down, it is a good time to look back and reflect on all that has happened in the past ten weeks. We in the Student Services Office are always reflecting on our events and programs of the past term, and we want to know how you, our target audience best receive information on all of the events and opportunities that are going on in the College of Forestry. The only way to find out is by hearing from YOU!

Here are some questions to consider:
• What is the best method for you to receive information?
• If you feel you receive too many emails about events and program, how else might we keep in touch with you?
• Do you notice the flyers hanging around Peavy and Richardson Halls, and plan to attend the events?
• If you don’t attend events and programs offered by the CoF, why not? How might we entice/encourage you to attend?
• Do you follow the Student Services Office on Twitter?
• Is the Fernhopper Newsletter where you get your information? If not, what other sources do you use?
We need your feedback! Please either comment below or send us an email at forestrystudentservices@oregonstate.edu to let us know how we can best share information about all the great things that are happening in the College of Forestry.
Good luck on finals!

You’re Invited: Virtual Career Fair

Hello College of Forestry Undergrads!

Oregon State Ecampus, The OSU Career Development Center, and the OSU Alumni Association is hosting virtual career fairs for students to meet and network with employers interested in hiring OSU students!  This is a great opportunity to connect one-on-one with employers and land a job before graduation or a great summer internship.

Mark your calendars for Thursday, December 10 from 11:00 am- 2:00 pm for the Natural Resources Virtual Career Fair!  Make sure to register before the event!

View a demo of what you will experience at the virtual career fair!

Other virtual career fairs being offered are shown below:

  • December 11: Government and Public Services
  • February 10: Liberal Arts
  • February 11: Nonprofit
  • April 20: Computer Science
  • April 21: TBD

This is a new experience for many students and employers.

These events are virtual, so all you need is a computer and an internet connection. On the day of the event, simply login and “get in line” to chat with a recruiters.  Registration links, along with a list of employers, will be sent out a couple weeks prior to each event.

Make sure to review the eight helpful tips for making connections at virtual networking events to learn how you can make a lasting impression with employers.

If you have any questions about the virtual career fair, please contact the Career Development Center at 541-737-4085.