Clean Code: Planning for the Future

An important part of being a software developer is writing clean code, especially when being part of a team. An article that I read described some tips on how you can write clean code. These tips included readability, consistency, simplicity, selecting meaningful names, and a few others.

Something I would like to do more often to create cleaner code is related to simplicity. I would like to do better at separating related parts of code into different functions and reusing functions for similar purposes within the code I write.

I think this has partly been difficult for me because of deadlines and due dates for assignments. If I write a lot of code within one function and it ends up working, even if it is somewhat unrelated, it is hard to want to refactor. If I have the necessary parts working for an assignment then I know I can move on to other things instead of spending more time on it. There is also the worry that something will get messed up in the process of refactoring.

Although this is something that feels difficult for me to do, I would like to improve because I know it will be helpful in the long run, especially in team settings.

There are a lot of bad coding practices that would be good to avoid, but a specific one I want to avoid is adding too many comments. The article I read had a section titled “Apply Comments Strategically.” This can also be related to choosing meaningful names for functions and variables because that will decrease the need for comments. Avoiding unnecessary comments will help code be less cluttered and will “force” you to let the code describe what it is doing itself.

This is a good refresher of things to keep in mind as we get into this next term!


Espinosa, G. (2023, July 2). The Art of Writing Clean Code: A Key to Maintainable Software. Reflectoring.

Devopedia Foundation. (2022, February 15). Code Comments. Devopedia.

Blog Post #3: Nearing the End of the Term

We’ve almost made it to the end of Fall term!

This term has been a busy one for me, and I am honestly quite excited for the break ahead. That being said, good progress has been made in terms of my group’s project and it has been cool to meet new people. That is something that I don’t get to experience very often anymore with school since everything is online.

I think the next class in this sequence will be a neat experience. It will be cool to actually create something that’s been in the works throughout this term. I’m sure it’ll take some hard work, but it’ll be fun to eventually see the finished product!

I hope everyone has a great rest of their term and a great break!

Blog Post #2: Update

Phew. Well, here we are again. Here is a little update on the project journey.

Progress has definitely been made since the beginning of the term, although there is definitely more planning and work that needs to go into it. It has felt like the teamwork in my group has gone well so far! I’m thankful for a great team that has made very helpful contributions to the assignments. The documents that we’ve had to create have taken some work, but it has helped my team develop starting ideas for this project and helped us to plan areas we need to tackle to get to the desired outcome.

Overall, I would say the journey has gone well so far. I know there is a lot more to come, especially in the upcoming term. It’ll be cool to see what we are able to accomplish!

I hope everyone else’s projects are going well and making good progress!


Hey everyone, welcome to my capstone journey! Allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Annika Ewers and I live around the Clackamas, Oregon area. Aside from school, I love spending time with my family and friends and taking part in activities and services at the church I attend. 

My dad is a software engineer and I remember having some interest in coding when I was younger. As time went on and I was deciding on what to study in college I ended up landing on computer science. Throughout these past few years there have definitely been ups and downs within the classes I have taken, but it has resulted in some rewarding accomplishments. 

As of now, I have already joined a group and have a project, but when I looked earlier on I was interested in options such as Dating App for Animal Adoption, Crowd-Sourced Travel Planner, and Cross-Platform Personal Trainer App. I really like the idea of creating applications that have a good amount of user interaction and have a helpful purpose for users. 

I hope everyone has a great upcoming school year and that we all have a strong finish!