From healthcare to software.

  • The cloud.

    If someone were to ask me about the concept of ‘the cloud,’ I wouldn’t know how to answer. My imagination describes it as a collection of computers hovering in the sky. If you have experience in software development, you might know much more than I do. As a simple definition, the cloud ‘refers to a…

  • Utilizing artificial intelligence.

    Wow, my second blog post ever! Today, I’d like to discuss about the use of artificial intelligence which I will be shortening to “AI” for the rest of this post. It has come to that time when AI has made its way into our daily lives. While the topic of AI has recently caused quite…

  • Making the switch.

    Hi there! My name is Ernie and I am from San Francisco, CA. If the title of my blog isn’t obvious enough – I come from a healthcare background and recently decided to pivot to computer science. Whenever I meet someone for the first time, the topic of my career change comes up, so that…

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