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Recruiting Instructors to teach in Sandbox Sites

sandboxWe are recruiting teachers (instructors, faculty, GTAs) to teach classes in the candidate systems. An incentive of $1,000 will be paid to eligible instructors who complete a course in spring term in one of the candidate systems, and whose class participates in evaluation activities at the beginning and end of the term (surveys and a focus group).  Support will be available to assist instructors move courses into the sandbox environments and throughout the term.

If you are interested in applying to teach a course in a sandbox system please send Lynn Greenough (lynn.greenough@oregonstate.edu) an email with a paragraph that includes the following information. Applications are due to Lynn by end of day Monday, March 10, 2014.

·         Note the name, course number and section number/s (where applicable) of the course you propose to teach in spring term

·         Note the size of your class

·         Describe your level of proficiency in using a learning management system (Blackboard or other): high, medium or low (note that proficiency level does not impact likelihood of being selected).

·         Describe your typical use of features and functionality in your course sites:

·         Light – you post syllabus and related course documents, and enter grades

·         Medium – you post lecture notes, images or videos. May set up menus, or modules for course elements. May add or move gradebook columns.

·         Heavy – you routinely make use of discussion boards, quizzes, assignments, videos and images. May integrate publisher content, or links to resources outside of the LMS. May use weighted grades or grading schemas. May download and upload grade center data using Excel.


Please note the following:


·         In order to obtain the best evaluation results, we are seeking a variety of class sizes and levels, course material, disciplines, and subject areas

·         No more than 16 courses will be selected for teaching in the sandbox sites (8 Blackboard and 8 Canvas).

·         Instructors will be assigned one of the systems (either Canvas or Blackboard)

·         Technical support will be available to instructors and students to answer questions and resolve issues. Help will also be available to instructors to set course sites up.  The tight timeline and sandbox environments may require additional time commitment on the part of participants.

Application emails are due to Lynn Greenough by end of day, March 10

Selection of instructors / courses will be communicated by end of day March 13

If you have any questions about the LMS evaluation or the sandbox selection process, please notify Lynn Greenough.


Thank you!

One response to “Recruiting Instructors to teach in Sandbox Sites”

  1. […] to teach in a sandbox site Spring term 2014.  If you are interested, more information can be found here.  The deadline is March 10th, […]

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