Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Risk it for the…limon lays??
It was almost a couple of weeks into the new year and like many others, I had set some lofty goals for the year. Some goals were simple like not using my phone until an hour after I woke up, while some will require a good amount of effort like finally dunking. However, there was…
Job Tracking Nostalgia
As our team begins to build our full-stack job tracker for our capstone project I can’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia. When we had our initial meeting to determine our stack, we decided on using Node/Express.js for our backend and React for our frontend. Everyone was comfortable building with the stack and I…
The Final Stretch
Almost exactly two years ago I sat on a desk my fiancee gifted me to get work done as I transitioned into being a student again. I opened up my browser, went to canvas to get information on my new classes, and the rest is history. In those two years, I’ve worked hard and smart…
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