Electronic versions, where provided, are for private individual study, scholarship, or research purposes only.

Peer-reviewed articles and briefs

  1. Lopez-Cevallos, D. & Rothwell, D. W. (in press). What role does wealth play in the racial health gap in the United States? Examining differences among African Americans, Latinos, and non-Hispanic Whites. Social Science & Medicine.
  2. Rothwell, D. W., (in press). Temporary Aid for Needy Families as family policy for first time mothers. Journal of Marriage and Family.
  3. Garcia, J., Vaughn, A., Abreau, C., Blodgett, J., Carrillo, E., Edinjok, F., Grutzmacher, S., Gunter, K., Harvey, M., Kothari, B., Mojica, C., Rothwell, D. W., MacTavish, K. (in press). Developing, nurturing, and expanding the “Container” in boundary spanning to transform academia for equity at a Land-Grant University. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement.
  4. Elgar, F., Pförtner, T-K., Rothwell, D. W. (2024). Socioeconomic differences and global trends in youth wellbeing and emotional distress in 165 countries and territories. Health and Place.
  5. Lefebvre, R., Fallon, B., Fluke, J., Trocmé, N., Black, T., Esposito, T., & Rothwell, D. W. (2024). Distinguishing profiles of adversity among child protection investigations in Ontario, Canada: A latent class analysis. Child Protection and Practice, 100022. [article]
  6. Rothwell, D. W. State paid parental leave policy: A tool to reduce inequality within and between families. National Council on Family Relations, [Policy Brief].
  7. Giordono, L., Rothwell, D. W., & Weber, B., Giordono, L. (2023). The Oregon Earned Income Credit’s impact on child poverty. Journal of Poverty. [article] [preprint]
  8. Jaramillo, J., Kothari, B., Alley, Z., Rothwell, D. W., & Blakeslee, J. (2023). Youth-Caseworker relationship quality & academic resilience among transition-age youth in foster care. 40, 487-502. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal. [article]
  9. Birkenmaier, J., Rothwell. D. W., Frey, J., & Spence Coffey, D. (2022). Introduction to the Special Issue on “Financial Capability and Asset Building for Family Financial Wellbeing”. 43, 647–653. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. [article]
  10. Rothwell. D. W., Jud, A. 2022. On the relationship between economic inequality and child maltreatment: Takeaways from the special issue and future directions. 130(4), Child Abuse & Neglect. [article]
  11. Rothwell, D. W., Giodono, L., & Stawski, R. S. (2022). How much does context matter in emergency savings? Disentangling the individual and contextual contributions of the financial capability constructs. 43, 703-715. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. [article]
  12. Birkenmaier, J., Rothwell, D. W., & Ager, M. (2022) How is consumer financial capability measured? 43, 654-666. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. [article]
  13. Giordono, L., Rothwell, D. W., Grutzmacher, S., & Edwards, M. (2022). Understanding SNAP use patterns among older adults. 44(2) 609-634. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy.  [article]
  14. Khan, M. N., Ferrer, I., Lee, Y. & Rothwell, D. W. (2022). Examining the financial knowledge of immigrants in Canada: A new dimension of economic inequality. 48(13) 3184-3201. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. [article]
  15. Rothwell, D. W., Lach, L., Kohen, D., Findlay, L., & Arim, R. (2022). Income trajectories of families raising a child with a neurodisability. 44(10), 1923-1932. Disability and Rehabilitation. [article]
  16. Finders, J., McClelland, M., Geldhof, J., Rothwell, D. W., & Hatfield, B. (2021). Explaining achievement gaps in kindergarten and third grade: The role of self-regulation and executive function skills. Early Childhood Research Quarterly. [article]
  17. Pacas, J. & Rothwell, D. W. (2020). Why is poverty lower in rural America according to the Supplemental Poverty Measure? An investigation of the geographic adjustment. 39, 941–975. Population Research and Policy Review. [article]
  18. Rothwell, D. W., Giordono, L., & Robson, J. (2020). The welfare state and wealth accumulation at the bottom: A descriptive account of within and between country differences in Canada and the United States. 54(6) 914-932. Social Policy and Administration. [article]
  19. Weon, S. & Rothwell, D. W. (2020). Dynamics of asset poverty in South Korea. 150, 639–657 Social Indicators Research. [article]
  20. Cherney, K., Rothwell, D. W., Serido, J. & Shim, S. (2020). Subjective financial wellbeing during emerging adulthood: The role of student debt. 8(6) 485-495. Emerging Adulthood. [article]
  21. Bourgeois-Guérin, V., Grenier, A., Bourgeois-Guérin, E., Sussman, T., & Rothwell, D. W. (2020). Vieillir dans la rue: Interprétations du temps par les aînés en situation d’itinérance. Revue québécoise de psychologie, 41(2), 83-104. [article]
  22. Weon, S. & Rothwell, D. W. (2020). The association between poverty indicators and material hardship in South Korea. International Journal of Social Welfare. 29(1), 29-40 [article]
  23. Rothwell, D. W. & Wu, S. (2019). Exploring the relationship between financial education and financial knowledge and efficacy: Evidence from the Canadian Financial Capability Survey. Journal of Consumer Affairs. 53(4), 1725-1747 [article]
  24. Hamilton, L., Rothwell, D. W., Huang, J., Nam, Y., & Dollar, T. (2019). Guarding public coffers or trapping the poor? The role of public assistance asset limits in program efficacy and family economic well-being. Poverty and Public Policy. 11(1-2) 1230. [article]
  25. Rothwell, D. W., Gariepy, G., Elgar, F., & Lach, L. (2019). Trajectories of poverty and economic hardship among American families supporting a child with a neurodisability. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 63(10) 1273-1284. [article]
  26. Weon, S., Rothwell, D. W., Nandy, S., & Nandi, A. (2019). Savings ownership and the use of maternal health services in Indonesia. Health Policy and Planning. [article]
  27. Rothwell, D. W., Ottusch, T., & Finders, J. 2019. Asset poverty among children: A cross-national study of poverty risk. Children and Youth Services Review. 96, 409-419. [article]
  28. Giordono, L., Jones, M., & Rothwell, D. W. (2019). Social policy perspectives on economic inequality in wealthy countries. Policy Studies Journal Yearbook. 47(S1), S96-118. [article]
  29. Rothwell, D. W., Wegner-Lohin, J., Fast, E., de Boer, K., Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., & Esposito, T. (2018). Explaining the economic disparity gap in rates of substantiated child maltreatment in Canada. Journal of Law and Social Policy. 28, 39-60. [article]
  30. Blumenthal, A. & Rothwell, D. W. (2018). The measurement and description of child income and asset poverty in Canada. Child Indicators Research. 11(6), 1907-1933. [article]
  31. Rothwell, D. W. & Robson, J. (2018). The prevalence and composition of asset-poverty in Canada between 1999 and 2012. International Journal of Social Welfare. 27(1), 17-27. [article] (*selected best article in 2018)
  32. Weon, S. & Rothwell, D. W. (2017). The Impact of the Hope Growing Account Program on Participants’ Economic Well-being in South Korea. Asian Social Work and Policy Review. 11(3), 244-256. [article]
  33. Braganza, M., Akesson, B., & Rothwell, D. W. (2017). An empirical appraisal of canadian doctoral dissertations using grounded theory: Implications for social work research and teaching. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 37(5), 528–548. [article]
  34. Rothwell, D. W., & McEwen, A. (2017). Comparing child poverty risk by family structure during the 2008 recession. Journal of Marriage and Family, 79(5), 1224–1240. [article]
  35. Esposito, T., Delaye, A., Chabot, M., Trocmé, N., Rothwell, D. W., Helie, S., Robichaud, M.-J. (2017). The effects of socioeconomic vulnerability, psychosocial services and social service spending on family reunification: A multilevel longitudinal analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(9), 1040. [article]
  36. Khan, M., Rothwell, D. W., Cherney, K., Sussman, T. (2017). Understanding the financial knowledge gap: A new dimension of inequality in later life. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 60(6-7), 487–503. [preprint on SocArXiv][article]
  37. Esposito, T., Chabot, M., Rothwell, D. W., Trocme, N., & Delaye, A. (2017). Out-of-home placement and regional variations in poverty and health and social services spending: A multilevel analysis. Children and Youth Services Review72, 34-43. [article]
  38. Rothwell, D. W., Sussman, T., Grenier, A., Mott, S., & Bourgeious-Guerin, V. (2017). Patterns of shelter use amongst men new to homelessness in later life: Duration of stay and psychosocial factors related to departure. Journal of Applied Gerontology. [article]
  39. Rothwell, D. W., Khan, M., & Cherney, K. (2016). Building financial knowledge is not enough: Financial self-efficacy as a mediator in the financial capability of low-income families. Journal of Community Practice. 24(4), 368-388. [article]
  40. Grenier, A., Sussman, T., Barken, R., Bourgeois-Guerin, V., & Rothwell, D. W. (2016). Growing old in shelters and on the streets: The experiences of older people who are homeless. Journal of Gerontological Social Work  [article]
  41. Duchesne, A., & Rothwell, D. W. (2016) What leads to homeless shelter re-entry? An exploration of the psychosocial, health, contextual and demographic factors. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 7(1). [article]
  42. Grenier, A., Barken, R., Sussman, T., Rothwell, D. W., & Bourgeois-Guerin, V. (2016). Homelessness among older people: Assessing strategies and frameworks across Canada. Canadian Review of Social Policy, (74), 1-39. [article]
  43. Grenier, A., Barken, R., Sussman, T., Rothwell, D. W., Bourgeois-Guérin, V., Lavoie, J-P. (2016). A literature review of homelessness and aging: Suggestions for a policy and practice-relevant research agenda. Canadian Journal on Aging, 35(1), 28-41. [article]
  44. Rothwell, D. W., Lach, L., Blumenthal, A., & Akesson, B. (2015). Patterns and trends in social work dissertations in Canada. Journal of Teaching in Social Work. [article]
  45. Rothwell, D. W. & de Boer, K. (2014) Measuring economic hardship in child maltreatment research: Evidence from Canada. Child Indicators Research,7(2), 301-320. [article]
  46. Han, C.-K. & Rothwell, D. W. (2014). Savings and family functioning during the 2008 recession: An exploratory study with lower income Singaporeans. International Social Work, 57(6), 630–644. [article]
  47. Rothwell, D. W., & Sultana, N. (2013). Cash-flow and savings practices of low-income households: Evidence from a follow-up study of IDA participants. Journal of Social Service Research, 39(2), 281-292. [article]
  48. Rothwell, D. W., Bhaiji, R. & Blumenthal, A. (2013). Perceived impact of IDA participation: Qualitative findings. International Indigenous Policy Journal,4(4). [article]
  49. Rothwell, D. W. (2013) Pathways to higher education for Native Hawaiian Individual Development Account participants. Journal of Indigenous Social Development, 2(1), 1-18. [article]
  50. Burns, V., Grenier, A., Lavoie, J. P., Rothwell, D. W., & Sussman, T. (2012). Les personnes agées itinérantes—invisibles et exclues. Une analyse de trois stratégies pour contrer l’itinérance. Revue Frontièrs, 25(1), 31–56
  51. Han, C.-K., Rothwell, D. W., & Lin, E. (2012). Cash transfers and child well-being in Singapore: An exploratory study of the school pocket money fund. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 22(1-2), 36–49. [article]
  52. Rothwell, D. W. (2011). The case for asset-based interventions with Indigenous Peoples: Evidence from Hawaii. International Social Work, 54(1), 35–50. [article]
  53. Rothwell, D. W. (2010). Asset building among Native Hawaiians: Lessons from the Kahikū IDA program. Hūlili: Multidisciplinary Research on Hawaiian Well-Being, 6, 187–212. [article]
  54. Rothwell, D. W. & Han, C.-K. (2010). Exploring the relationship between assets and family stress among low-income families. Family Relations, 59(4), 396–407. [article]
  55. Rothwell, D. W. & Han, C.-K. (2010). Individual development account participation and social development among Native Hawaiians. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 20(2), 21–35. [article]
  56. Rothwell, D. W. & Han, C.-K. (2010). Second thoughts: Who almost participates in an IDA program? Journal of Social Service Research, 36(2), 107–117. [article]
  57. Ng, I. & Rothwell, D. W. (2009). A rising tide lifts no sunken boat. Social Space, 2, 92–98.

Under review

  • Ahmadi, A., McClelland, M., Geldhof, G. J., Rothwell, D. W., Hatfield, B., & Tajrishi, M.. Relations Between Executive Functions, Child Characteristics, Parental Education, and Academic Skills: A Cross-cultural Study of Young Children in Iran and the United States.
  • Ahmadi, A., McClelland, M., Tajrishi, M., Geldhof, G. J., Rothwell, D. W., & Hatfield, B. Adaptation and psychometric properties of the head-toes-knees-shoulders task in young Iranian children.
  • Rothwell, D. W., Brugger, L., Fox-Dichter, S., Roll, S., & Despard, M. Access to paid leave promotes financial well-being: Longitudinal evidence from the early COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Rothwell, D. W., Heflin, C. Temporary Aid for Needy Families Around Birth: New insights into how mothers use TANF as paid leave from work.
  • Khan, M. & Rothwell, D. W. “One size does not fit all”: Testing measurement equivalence of financial knowledge across income groups.
  • Mullican, N., Kothari, B., Tominey, S., Rothwell, D. W., Hatfield, B. Stress and intent to continue fostering: The influence of formal social support.
  • Sultana, N., Rothwell, D. W., & Hanley, J. The prevalence of asset poverty among immigrants in Canada.
  • Ruppanner, L., Scarborough, W., Rothwell, D. W., Landivar, C. Poor parent and child mental health: Childcare costs and head start.

Working papers, chapters, reports, and media

  • Rothwell, D. W. (2022, October 7). The full picture of poverty in America. The Seattle Times. Op-Ed

  • Rothwell, D. W., Fox-Dichter, S., Despard, M., & Grinstein-Weiss, M. (2021). Paid Sick Leave Heading into COVID-19. Social Policy Institute, Washington University in St. Louis. Research Brief
  • McElvaine, K., Fenske, L., Rothwell, D. W., Weber, B., Pratt, M., Settersten, R. (2021). Oregon’s child care and early education crisis: Research-based solutions for options, financing, and equity [White paper]. Oregon Family Impact Seminar, Oregon State University.
  • Rothwell, D.W., Giordono, L., & Weber, B. (2021). The Oregon Poverty Measure: Technical Appendix. Oregon State University, College of Public Health and Human Sciences.
  • Rothwell, D. W., Giordono, L., & Robson, J. (2020). The welfare state and wealth accumulation at the bottom: A descriptive account of within and between country differences in Canada and the United States. LWS Working Paper Series, No. 31
  • Rothwell, D.W., Giordono, L., & Weber, B. (2020). The Oregon Poverty Measure: Full Report. Oregon State University, College of Public Health and Human Sciences.
  • Rothwell, D.W., Giordono, L., & Weber, B. (2020). The Oregon Poverty Measure: Infographic. Oregon State University, College of Public Health and Human Sciences.
  • Hamilton, L., Rothwell, D. W., Huang, J., Nam, Y., & Dollar, T. (2020). Assets and Household Stability. In L. Hamilton (Ed.), Welfare Doesn’t Work: The Promises of Basic Income for a Failed American Safety Net (pp. 61–77). Springer International Publishing. [book]
  • Rothwell, D. W. & Thiede, B. C. (2018). Child poverty in rural America. IRP Focus. 34(3), 20-29. [article]
  • Huang, J., Sherraden, M. S., Despard, M., Rothwell, D. W., Friedline, T., Doran, J., Zurlo, K., Birkenmaier, J., Callahan, C., & McKinney, R. (2018). Grand Challenge #11: Build Financial Capability for All. Fong, R., Lubben, J., & Barth, R. (Eds.). Grand Challenges for Social Work and Society. Oxford University Press, Oxford. [book]
  • Lach, L., Bailey, S., Bogossian, A., & Rothwell, D. W. (2016). Artifacts or Catalysts? Moving doctoral dissertations from the shelf to the community. In I. Taylor, M. Bogo, M. Lefevre, & B. Teater (Eds.), Routledge International Handbook of Social Work Education (pp. 331–340). Routledge. [chapter]
  • Huang, J., Sherraden, M. S., Clancy, M. M., Sherraden, M., Birkenmaier, J., Despard, M. R., Frey, J. J., Callahan, C., & Rothwell, D. (2016). Policy Recommendations for Meeting the Grand Challenge to Build Financial Capability and Assets for All. Grand Challenges Policy Brief.
  • Collin-Vézina, D., Doucet, M., Marion, É, Rothwell, D. W., Roy, C., Trocmé, N., & Wegner-Lohin, J. (2015). Reorganizing health and social services in Québec in the name of austerity: Too much, too fast and too centralized? McGill University Centre for Research on Children and Families, Montreal, QC.
  • Weon, S. & Rothwell, D. W. The Impact of the Hope Growing Account Program on Participants’ Household Earned Income in South Korea. SSRN working paper.
  • Rothwell, D. W., & McEwen, A. Child poverty and family structure during the Recession in English-speaking Liberal welfare states. LIS Working Paper Series, No. 665
  • Duchesne, A., Rothwell, D. W., Grenier, A., & Ohana, G. (2016). Building research capacity to improve services for the homeless: An integrated community-academic partnership model. In Nichols, N. & Doberstein, C. (Eds.), Exploring Effective System Responses to Homelessness, (pp. 302-317). Toronto: The Homeless Hub Press. [chapter]
  • Rothwell, D. W. (2015). Asset-based measures of poverty. In M. Odekon & G. Golson (Eds.), Encyclopedia of world poverty (2nd ed.). (pp. 999-1001). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. [chapter]
  • Rothwell, D. W. (2015). Canada. In M. Odekon & G. Golson (Eds.), Encyclopedia of world poverty (2nd ed.). (pp. 168-170). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. [chapter]
  • McEwen, A. & Rothwell, D. W. (2015). Children and poverty. In M. Odekon & G. Golson (Eds.), Encyclopedia of world poverty (2nd ed.). (pp. 216-222). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. [chapter]
  • Rothwell, D. W. & Haveman, R. Definition and measurement of asset poverty in Canada. Working paper [chapter]
  • Ow, R. & Rothwell, D. W. (2011). Needs and issues of persons with disability. In K. Mehta & A. Wee (Eds.), Social Work in Singapore. Singapore: Pearson, 2 edition
  • McCubbin, H. I., Strom, I., McCubbin, L., W., Z., Kehl, L., Foley, S., Mataira, P., & Rothwell, D. W. (2010). Health disparities of native Hawaiians revisited: Implications of multiethnicity. In H. I. McCubbin, L. Ontai, L. Kehl, L. McCubbin, I. Strom, H. Hart, M. Debaryshe, M. Ripke, & J. Matsuoka (Eds.), Multiethnic families: Development, identity, and resilience (pp. 93–108). Honolulu: Le’a and Xlibre
  • Rothwell, D. W. (2009). Review of the report: PROGRESA and its impact on the welfare of rural households in mexico. Social Development Issues, 31(2), 93–97