Gender Lens Project: The Microwave Oven

The microwave oven is an appliance in the household of most American families. It has become a staple in our lives and shortened the cook times for nearly everything we eat. What started life as technology used for military grade radar became a common item with the help of Dr. Percy Spencer (Gallawa 2001).

Dr. Spencer (gallawa (2001)
Dr. Spencer
(Gallawa (2001)

The legend goes that Dr. Spencer, while working near one of the magnetron emitters, noticed that a chocolate bar in his pocket had melted. He tested his suspicions that it was the microwaves from the emitter than melted he candy he put some popcorn kernels on the floor near it and after a moment they began to pop (Gallawa 2001).

From there the invention of the microwave oven was had leading us to today when even children know how to operate it.

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