Final Thoughts and Reflections

Skill I learned from this class revolve around blogging. I have never done a blog before and it was an interesting experience getting to learn how WordPress works so if I wanted to in the future I could use their system for a blog.

I also learned, although I wouldn’t call it a technical skill, that women in technology need to speak up. While I believe we are on the right track to true gender equality and that time will see it through, but for our lives to get better now, we need to talk about what struggle we’re facing now.

Going forward I’m going to make a new blog because I’ve got some ideas that should be heard because they aren’t doing anyone any good right now.

Emmy Noether

Throughout human history, we have tried to make our lives easier. We did this when we discovered fire kept us safe and warm at night, by farming instead of migrating, and by having pipes bring water directly into our homes. Technological advancements have made our lives better in some way and none just happened without a person inventing it.  Shamefully though, throughout human history we have discounted and barred half our population from participating in this noble journey to better our lives. I am referring to women whose contributions are so often left out. That is not to say that women have never contributed to human advancement, but most women never got that opportunity. Some did though and what they did lead to some of the greatest leaps humanity has ever taken. One of those women was a brilliant mathematician and physicist named Emmy Noether.

Emmy Noether

She lived during a time a great cultural shift was happening in Germany and overcame many challenges from people in her own culture. She persevered and made one of the biggest discoveries utilized in quantum physics today.

RSS Feed!

To set up a new feed for my blog I used Googles RSS feature lead by the instructions. I set it to be articles about technology as a whole as I think all parts of it should be looked at. At a glance I didn’t notice anything particularly gendered but I think keeping an eye on the headlines will keep me up to date on advancements. I think it will be very helpful for future discussions because it will the topic in my head and changing with the feed.

First Impressions setting up.

The blog seemed simple and straight forward to setup with very few of any real difficulties. An email signature was also relatively straight forward. Step-by-step instructions are always nice 🙂

After installing the text to speech extension I can definitely see where the applications are and could come in handy. I’m not sure if I’ll actually use it, but it is a nice option to have just in case.