
End of Fall Term. What’s next?

Hello! to everyone reading. Well, the fall term has come to an end. This will be my last post till Winter term, which honestly isn’t that far away. Version 2 of our CNN was completed today and I think that we did a great job as a group. I ended up coding us a spectrogram classifier, so instead of relying only on MFCCs, we can also feed our neural network spectrogram images to learn. I can honestly say that this class has been a blast and a change of pace. I thoroughly enjoyed how my capstone course was as real as it would be on the job. I’m on a loaded schedule for the winter semester but that’s nothing new. Work is going great; I am always learning new things. Other than that there isn’t much else going on. See you guys Winter semester!

Software Engineering

Update on my Tech Journey

This is my second blog post and I wanted to give everyone an update on how things are going. I have chose to work on a neural network for music classification with my team. I would like to point out that I really like my team and they are great people:) We currently have a bunch of new technologies that we are going to be working with like TensorFlow and a couple other undecided technologies. For our dev environments for it will be based on Linux and for windows users we decided to work in WSL. There has been quite a lot of research that we have dived into to get to this point of our project. Currently, I started a new job for DISA as a network controller. I’m still trying to find that enjoyable position that I can stay at till I retire. I am working towards my goal in wanting to work in Development Operations. This quarterly semester has been really rough with the new job and all my classes, it feels like I have no time for anything I enjoy. However, we will overcome! I just wanted to update everyone on how things are going and there is more to come!


Blog Post #1


My name is Damiant and my timezone is PST, california. My journey with OSU started in 2022 when I transfered over from a Community College. I got started with computers as a child, the first computer I ever used was a windows xp operating system, and second was linux based. What got me started with computers was trying to script for a game called runescape back in the day. So I loved it ever since. I work as an IT specialist and my favorite technologies are atlassian products, and several open source softwares. I can’t wait for exploration in UI/UX design and choosing my technologies.


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