Getting the Phone Calls
The new grad experience is definitely difficult when on the job hunt, so it always feels great to get a callback on any of your applications. I’ve tried to be a bit better at targeting certain jobs to apply for, rather than sending out a huge wave across any position, and I feel I have…
Training at a Price
These past few months I have been regularly applying for full-time positions across a variety of roles. However during this time I noticed a very big trend across the various positions. Very few organizations want to train anyone. A huge majority of roles are looking for someone with 2-3 years of professional software development experience,…
Machine Learning Showing Its Colors
As our project has ultimately required us to utilize Unreal Engine, I dug into some of the technology behind their newest launch with Unreal Engine 5. It heavily markets a few new features including Lumen (lighting processing), Nanite (graphics rendering), and Metahuman (high detail human faces and animations), which are all incredible powerful tools for…
Planning Out Our Project
My team and I are working on a newer project to train a car using computer vision techniques of our choosing to autonomously drive in a simulation we set up. This is a exciting field as many organizations are running to be the first to have a highly autonomous self-driving vehicle. As we began researching…
Thinking Through a Plan
I was very focused when I made the decision to switch careers into computer science, with a single field in mind, but as I worked through the program my eyes were opened to how many incredibly interesting fields computer science encompasses. This really split me into many directions and led me to dip my toes…
Wow! You’re here! If you’re here for the free coffee and bagels, have at it. Otherwise, I want to thank you for taking the time to bare with me as I blot down my insights and write through my thoughts in these finals steps towards becoming a budding new software engineer.