Tristan Thompson

I am a Junior in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) and am in the process of applying to take an accelerated masters in the same subject. My focus in ECE is embedded systems. I hope to become an embedded firmware/RTOS developer once I graduate, because I like that it focuses on both software and hardware development. I have a strong background in working on client/server applications because most of my internships have been in that area. My goal for my major is to broaden my expertise and be hirable in a wider range of domains.

I am also minoring in Philosophy. I like philosophy because it provides different ways of thinking about and viewing the world. My primary focus has been with classes that provide different worldviews and narratives, such as a class on Buddhist philosophy, or how different cultures view the environment.

I am also interested in social justice. Engineering has a strong humanitarian component to it that is hindered by its focus on fulfilling the needs of companies rather than communities, and its discounting of knowledge that comes from nontraditional or “emotional” sources, such as Liberal Arts and minority members. I started a club called STEAM In Action that focuses on improving on engineering culture, having members choose a topic in social justice and engineering, researching it, and performing an action as a group based on what they learned.
