Ronan Manoj

Hi, I’m Ronan Manoj, an undergraduate ECE student with a minor in CS graduating June 2020. I’m a proud California native originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, but have grown to love the PNW. I’ve enjoyed the following classes the most during my time at OSU: Computer Architecture, Advanced Networking, Network Security, and Data Structures.

I’ve interned at OSU Foundation, Seagate, and Google as a Software Engineering Intern. I worked on optimizing web page and reducing load times at OSU foundation, to upgrading the warranty web app to reactjs at Seagate, and to developing a search system with automatic indexing at Google. I will be working full time at Google starting in July of 2020.

My areas of interest include technical infrastructure, large scale systems, and distributed data storage. My favorite color in green and I like to skateboard.
